Post your questions about the game here!

Hah! Well bowled.
There goes the series, such a shame!

Dont worry Balkeet...When was NZ won series in india....But i can proudly say India has Won Both Test and ODI Series in 2009-2010....Nothing to be happens only sometimes......
Pfffft that's ancient history, you're only as good as your last tour :)
Balkeet Where are u .... Did u see the game dont expect everything too early.....

Ross this is our History..............
There are going to be some sad Australians today :p
Huh? At the tennis, is something else happening?
@Dutch hey! why did you pm me that message there are many others so dont be oversmart and if you are working as a staff member be equal for everyone and just dont pm me message like those again!
You're not special, I'm sure plenty get them, why not keep it as a pm and reply directly?
*belated fish in a barrel.

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