Post your questions about the game here!

AFL is brutal. It's an incredible experience live as well... I'd rate it up there with some of the best sport I've watched live. Packed MCG, rabid Richmond fans... perfect.

This guy gets it.
@BigAntStudios (Ross)/ @HBK619,
Is it possible to bowl full tosses in the game? After playing the nets that's one delivery which I haven't faced at all. Very rarely you may get a low full toss which may hit the base of stumps if left alone, but I have yet to see a knee high or a waist high full toss. Or even a beamer/full toss to the head of the batsman that gets the bowler warned by umps.

I hope it would be possible to bowl these deliveries in the game and will also face the same from AI. I'm assuming we haven't faced such deliveries in the nets coz nets is a stripped down and scripted version of the full game. But it would be great if you can confirm whether it will be possible to knock batsman's head off in the game with a full toss :yes
It will be possible when you're bowling, because you can set the bowling machine to bowl them... I just think the AI settings for the bowling machine don't include full-toss balls because it's not programmed to bowl em maybe? If you want to face them, just set the marker for full-toss and blammo...
It will be possible when you're bowling, because you can set the bowling machine to bowl them... I just think the AI settings for the bowling machine don't include full-toss balls because it's not programmed to bowl em maybe? If you want to face them, just set the marker for full-toss and blammo...

I don't think the nets let you set anything over yorker length: I'm sure in an actual match they will feature.
AFL is brutal. It's an incredible experience live as well... I'd rate it up there with some of the best sport I've watched live. Packed MCG, rabid Richmond fans... perfect.



@BigAntStudios (Ross)/ @HBK619,
Is it possible to bowl full tosses in the game? After playing the nets that's one delivery which I haven't faced at all. Very rarely you may get a low full toss which may hit the base of stumps if left alone, but I have yet to see a knee high or a waist high full toss. Or even a beamer/full toss to the head of the batsman that gets the bowler warned by umps.

I hope it would be possible to bowl these deliveries in the game and will also face the same from AI. I'm assuming we haven't faced such deliveries in the nets coz nets is a stripped down and scripted version of the full game. But it would be great if you can confirm whether it will be possible to knock batsman's head off in the game with a full toss :yes

Definitely can bowl them in the game.
I want to be able to bowl beamers just so I can attempt to replicate what Brett Lee should have done to Piers Morgan...
Why couldn't this happen to David Warner?... Oh that's right, He would have to be good enough to get a bowl.
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