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I demand reparations be made to the oppressed white Australasian folk of PlanetCricket.
First day of Australian Law School - declare Terra Nullius
Personally, it doesn't really matter if there is physical version of the PC or not. As long there is a PC version, I'm good.
Access in terms of being readily available in stores, I don't know how widespread they are.

In Metros i.e big cities you can find a lot of legitimate game shops easily and games usually arrive at the same time they arrive anywhere else in the world. It is the small cities where pirates thrive due to unavailability of legitimate game distribution in that area. I think this is where a partnership with Flipkart or Amazon would come in handy.
Another interesting tidbit from Ross over on that other forum

Co-op and non-Aus/Eng career mode will be patched in. (You can do it as it stands but it is cumbersome as you need to replace teams.)

I was suggesting this could be something they were doing during other projects since finishing the game (and Matt asking for data on other nations domestic leagues), but was pretty much shot down as a posibility.
Personally, it doesn't really matter if there is physical version of the PC or not. As long there is a PC version, I'm good.

hmm personally its doesn't really matter to me too as i get a good speed of 21 megabits per second but yeah everyone not has high speed internet.Just imagine if the game size is 5 or 6 gb and one has to download it at a super high speed of 2-3 kbps then what will happen to that person...So a disk game is must....
Personally, it doesn't really matter if there is physical version of the PC or not. As long there is a PC version, I'm good.

I think for India, a physical PC release is imperative because a cricket game will find takers (at the right price) in even the smaller towns where other games might not sell.

TruBlu has been approached by many India distributors (many of which aren't really proper distributors), but I really hope they pick someone that has this nationwide distribution network and (if TruBlu itself isn't keen on spending on a physical release) who can manufacture and release a retail PC version on its own. I think there are only two Indian distributors who can manage this, and both are meeting with TruBlu on this trip, so I hope it works out.
And has ross said somewhere that game disc will be there with requirement of activation via steam?
I think for India, a physical PC release is imperative because a cricket game will find takers (at the right price) in even the smaller towns where other games might not sell.

The problem with wide-scale acceptance of DBC 14 in India (apart from piracy) is the need for a controller. I think that alone would detract a lot of casual, genuine buyers away from the game. I hope the retailers (and the marketing material) make it very clear that controller is needed to play the game, else I see a lot of backlash from casual public who might end up buying the game with the intention of playing it using their keyboard/mouse.
A controller bundle would help offset an apparently high price while not causing problems associated with regional pricing. If it's the same price in India as in the west, but includes a decent controller it would probably go some way to overcoming both issues.

Certainly agree it needs to be labelled strongly - I can't think of any controller only PC games off the top of my head - I can think of plenty that should be, considering how bad their keyboard controls are, but none that make it an absolute requirement.

Steam at the moment just has a tiny 'controller support' icon in the sidebar - so hopefully they find a way to make it very hard to miss on the store page and have it on the front of any retail boxes that aren't bundled with a compatible controller.
The problem with wide-scale acceptance of DBC 14 in India (apart from piracy) is the need for a controller. I think that alone would detract a lot of casual, genuine buyers away from the game. I hope the retailers (and the marketing material) make it very clear that controller is needed to play the game, else I see a lot of backlash from casual public who might end up buying the game with the intention of playing it using their keyboard/mouse.

Yes, they need to clearly mention on the box and the distributor also needs to make this clear to retailers.

That said, I don't think the controller requirement will turn PC gamers off, and you can now get controllers with xinput support cheap. The Chinese knock-offs should do the job.
Bit of a random question, which console should I buy dbc14 for when it comes out? Ps3 or xbox360?

Is it better on one or the other?
Bit of a random question, which console should I buy dbc14 for when it comes out? Ps3 or xbox360?

Is it better on one or the other?

i think you'll find game play will be much of a muchness. will come down to if you intend to play online in which case you want to consider a)xbox online play is not free but ps3 is and b)do you have "real world" friends you'd want to play online against, in which case it's worth considering do you have more friends who will buy this game with one console or the other.
Hi blockerdave, my friends dont like cricket games iam afraid:( I was thinking more graphically?

Thanks for the response:)

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