Post your questions about the game here!

When I was about eight years old, I was playing a match for my school, and one of my teammates borrowed a box from another boy. The boy with the borrowed box batted for what at least felt like quite a long time. When he was finally out, and returned the box to its rightful owner, it transpired that he had urinated while wearing it (underneath his underpants with no jockstrap). He soon left the school and quite possibly never played cricket again. Will this happen in the game?

Post Scriptum - Now I think about it, we might have just made up that he wet himself to tease him, but it could have happened, so it should be in the game.
Thank you. I will be looking out for your review.
The puppy had to go. Ross's video had me in tears! :(

I thought it was quite apt, if only it was Zombie Puppies are no fun.

Are you going to get your hands on the sony VR system?

Just back from a breakfast meeting with guys from Sony ;)
When I was about eight years old, I was playing a match for my school, and one of my teammates borrowed a box from another boy. The boy with the borrowed box batted for what at least felt like quite a long time. When he was finally out, and returned the box to its rightful owner, it transpired that he had urinated while wearing it (underneath his underpants with no jockstrap). He soon left the school and quite possibly never played cricket again. Will this happen in the game?

Post Scriptum - Now I think about it, we might have just made up that he wet himself to tease him, but it could have happened, so it should be in the game.

I sure hope you're kidding because this is just ridiculous to expect.
I sure hope you're kidding because this is just ridiculous to expect.

I once played a game where one of the opposition batsmen forgot to wear his box and got hit full on the nadgers. The ambulance took him away screaming!
Our team once put a dead crow in the umpires kit bag which he didn't find until the following week.
Will these be in the game?
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When I was about eight years old, I was playing a match for my school, and one of my teammates borrowed a box from another boy. The boy with the borrowed box batted for what at least felt like quite a long time. When he was finally out, and returned the box to its rightful owner, it transpired that he had urinated while wearing it (underneath his underpants with no jockstrap). He soon left the school and quite possibly never played cricket again. Will this happen in the game?

Post Scriptum - Now I think about it, we might have just made up that he wet himself to tease him, but it could have happened, so it should be in the game.

I think you meant post scrotum..........anyway what a bizarre post.....are you another of Bigg's pseudonyms....(@NoLename...that means hidden identity)
Ah, no, I think the design idea is that you have to wear someone else's box.

Then you gotta push a day one patch for wetting it. I mean why wear someone else's box if you can't wet it? Goes against cricket's wetting principle.

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