Post your questions about the game here!

I do see your point, you can not hurt Biggs he is immortal on here.:thumbs

:facepalm That is not my point, like at all. I'm saying that there is no cliques that have a sole target of purposefully not thanking posts by particular members. To add to that, Biggs doesn't take the piss out of a select few, Biggs takes the piss out of everyone.
On a serious note, your constant pushing of this conspiracy of yours is frankly getting old, nay, has been old since the first post you wrote addressing the non-existent issue. It's a shame you do, because (other than your concept of footwork :p) some of the points you put forward are quite intelligent and thought-provoking. Just drop it.

EDIT: And what is up with that dog. Seriously mate, your name isn't dogian and for good reason

I don't take kindly to being called dumb. This was a post from Biggs just a short while ago. Kindly have a word with him too.

Originally Posted by Biggs
Yeah, so you don't get to complain then. Your physical sickness should be checked out by a doctor though, dumbassitis I believe is a common diagnosis amongst certain members, I imagine it's too much time hanging around at Zombians free bar, or something...

And just to clear up the misconception about my 'concept of footwork', I wasn't saying that you don't need footwork in the game, but that the ball should still be able to hit your bat if you don't use your feet.
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I don't take kindly to being called dumb. This was a post from Biggs just a short while ago. Kindly have a word with him too.

Originally Posted by Biggs
Yeah, so you don't get to complain then. Your physical sickness should be checked out by a doctor though, dumbassitis I believe is a common diagnosis amongst certain members, I imagine it's too much time hanging around at Zombians free bar, or something...

I see that as a tongue-in-cheek joke, he's just taking the piss out of you and madman as he does to everyone. Obviously you don't have too much of a sense of humour, so you don't find that too funny however that's all it's intended to be. But of course I must have rose-coloured glasses or some shit like that, going by your theory. Just loosen up mate
I have a sense of humour, but if that was intended to a tongue in cheek joke then I don't get it. Only Biggs can say if it was meant to be, but going on his past record of posts about me, I would say not.
I'm not the only person to get offended by his comments and I won't be the last.
I prepared to leave it at that.
So what's up with the puppy Zombie, you should try to find a zombie with cricket gear on or a photo of bill Lawry.:p
Cheer up Zombie because in 2 weeks the game is out and i can tell you about it as you are in the UK. Teasing.:D
Cheer up Zombie because in 2 weeks the game is out and i can tell you about it as you are in the UK. Teasing.:D

I hope you have fun with it. I will still have the excitement of waiting to play it. :D
Besides, I am holiday in Paris when the game is released in the non British countries.
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you still in air ? dont you get stuff like jet lag......:p

Nah, Jetlag only happens if you sleep.

It's 5.30am here, just back in, going to be a long couple of days for sure :)
Ross, out of curiosity, how are the numbers looking for pre-orders across Aus and India? Keeping up with your expectations or beating them?

I understand if this cant be answered, but just curious.
I hope you have fun with it. I will still have the excitement of waiting to play it. :D
Besides, I am holiday in Paris when the game is released in the non British countries.

I will but i will post my thoughts on the game after a hour or three on the game.

PS I love your new avatar.:clap Better than a puppy for sure on this forum.
I will but i will post my thoughts on the game after a hour or three on the game.

PS I love your new avatar.:clap Better than a puppy for sure on this forum.

Thank you. I will be looking out for your review.
The puppy had to go. Ross's video had me in tears! :(

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