Post your questions about the game here!

Now that we are a week away from release (well, 8 days), has that 2 week marketing campaign kicked off yet?

I guess it will take off after the confusion over UK release date is cleared up (4th or 11th?) After all it doesn't look good when you start a PR campaign and the target audience wants to order the game but there's confusion over what's the official release date in UK (and potentially North America).
Now that we are a week away from release (well, 8 days), has that 2 week marketing campaign kicked off yet?

This game is about pushing boundaries. I think the strategy is let's see how close we can get to the release date before kicking off the campaign.
I saw boxes and preview footage in EB the other day. That's marketing and the publisher has to pay for that.
I pre ordered the game and it says, the game will arrive with in 4 days but if the games release date is on 3rd Am i gonna get it the day of its release? Or they are gonna ship it on the 3rd?
Now that we are a week away from release (well, 8 days), has that 2 week marketing campaign kicked off yet?

The marketing has been very lacklustre, haven't seen any in-store marketing in places like JB HiFi, no online marketing, no ads in any gaming publications. Its been very bad to be honest when you compare it to their previous games like Rugby League & AFL Live. With them we even saw TV ads, with DBC14 were not even getting the bare essentials. Really hope something picks up within the next week.
I think I saw one TV ad for Rugby League Live 2... and that was after the game was released. Also, according to Ross they have the same marketing budget to spend on DBC14, but have to spread it over more markets.

Anyway, I imagine that the marketing won't stop once the game is released and they seem to be pretty happy with the pre-orders so far. I doubt if anybody but a few people on Planet Cricket are worried.
I think I saw one TV ad for Rugby League Live 2... and that was after the game was released. Also, according to Ross they have the same marketing budget to spend on DBC14, but have to spread it over more markets.

Anyway, I imagine that the marketing won't stop once the game is released and they seem to be pretty happy with the pre-orders so far. I doubt if anybody but a few people on Planet Cricket are worried.

it's really not about TV... it's not about sponsoring anything or review copies or ads in the cricketer... it's not even about "interviews" with gaming sites...

it's 2014... the links at the top of this forum show about 30 screenshots, plus the ones for Spot the Ball, plus a number of videos. That is a huge amount of collateral that could be used for promoting this game via social media for hardly any additional cost (they would need to edit some of the collateral produced before the bradman name was announced, remove coming 2013 etc. and actually spend the time tweeting it).

they are running the same campaign they would have run if it was 2008. because of the particulars of it being a (apparently very) good game in a genre where the "devoted" gamers are particularly ill-served and have shown they are not only willing but eager to buy just about anything cricket game related, it doesn't seem to have hurt them. but unless they get with the program it will affect them eventually.
I would have thought there might have been a video released. The one released last year got some air time on sites like Eurogamer so no doubt another one would get some more attention...

Anyway, I'm sure the game's review will make the contents page on most sites if nothing else but to compare it to one of the worst games ever made in the same genre.
I must say I agree with @blockerdave. Social Media is free and relatively easy and in the current marketing climate one of the most effective ways to get exposure. If Big Ant manged to get Cricinfo or one of those sites to post the trailer and some screenshots on there, there's 3 million who get to see it. That's 3 million potential sales. Big Ant have a great game now they just need to get the exposure. Maybe Ross isn't putting too much into the advertising at one particular point in time as he has said he's happy for the game to be a sleeper but I must say if I was the CEO (thank god I'm not :eek:) I would be doing all I can to get sites like cricinfo and the like to be posting about my game.
it's really not about TV... it's not about sponsoring anything or review copies or ads in the cricketer... it's not even about "interviews" with gaming sites...

it's 2014... the links at the top of this forum show about 30 screenshots, plus the ones for Spot the Ball, plus a number of videos. That is a huge amount of collateral that could be used for promoting this game via social media for hardly any additional cost (they would need to edit some of the collateral produced before the bradman name was announced, remove coming 2013 etc. and actually spend the time tweeting it).

they are running the same campaign they would have run if it was 2008. because of the particulars of it being a (apparently very) good game in a genre where the "devoted" gamers are particularly ill-served and have shown they are not only willing but eager to buy just about anything cricket game related, it doesn't seem to have hurt them. but unless they get with the program it will affect them eventually.

Yer one of the problems ive seen so far is actual cricket fans no nothing of this game which is a big problem because alot of cricket fans knew about Ashes Cricket 2013 months before it was supposed to release in June 2013

Not expecting something massive but well some relevant advertising on cricinfo would be nice, and yer even some short 30 second ads to put on youtube.Something, anything. Its been pretty disappointing since we have been hearing of this condensed 2-3 week marketing campaign for months and now its the last week before release and Don Bradman Cricket 2014 is getting about as much interest as some random indie game releasing on xbox live arcade.
Getting onto Cricinfo still costs money though, or anything other website is potentially costly and time consuming. Definitely social media could have been better, but getting something to go viral is so hard.

Posting pictures on a Facebook page or on Twitter is great - if you follow those pages already. Somebody mentioned a game on these forums the other day (can't remember it sorry) about a dev/publisher who has done social media really well. But I've never heard of it. Apparently they post heaps of videos/screenshots but I wouldn't have a clue. Which surprises me as I keep up to date with most things in gaming.

Marketing and advertising is not an exact science and it is even worse when you have a moderate budget. So taking risks by spending time/money on some guy who just does social media and there aren't any measurable results. It makes it difficult to justify that expense.

Word of mouth is important, as to is the impulse buyer. All those people who are excited about the release date are probably already here on PC because we have Googled cricket games. Everyone else won't really care until the 3rd April.


EDIT: Why did that post twice... I do not know. Carry on.
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