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in career what do the skill bars go up to and what is their SCALE???

i got +11 in swing in a singular match, and it didnt go up 11 notches on the bars, it only highlighted 1 bar.

it feels as my player progresses im not actually filling up the bars accordingly, so does this mean the maximum is increasing also?

and how to access batting/bowling confidence in career? whats doing there, D pad is rendered useless in career cept fielding

I would also like to know if anyone from Big Ant can maybe answer this? I have asked it a couple of times. I suspect the bars each require +10 to fill up to the next bar but I am not sure.

I just had an idea to check this though, I am not at my PS3 to check this though. In create a player you can assign skills and I am sure there are points allocation. You could probably see how many points fill a single skill in create a player and the same would be true in career mode. I will check this out later.

I would like to know how to check your batsman's confidence if anyone knows
I haven't figured out the confidence meter issue in career mode either.

By the way, it was mentioned that the game will include sledging and the "form" of the player will have a huge influence in the upcoming games. Did anybody figure these options out in the game yet? I can't find them. I don't think they are in there.

Apart from that, is there a thing like "momentum" in the game? I couldn't find a momentum meter or bar or something visual like that. Any news about it?
When playing competitions and tours any idea how to play with players with 0 stats rather than playing with players with real life stats?
There's one thing which annoys me. I downloaded a players and edited him but he's not showing up in the team.

For example: I downloaded Ahmed Shehzad, edited him and once I edited, it shows up "My players". Now I need to replace that edited player with in-game Ahmed Shehzad. Someone please tell the procedure.
There's one thing which annoys me. I downloaded a players and edited him but he's not showing up in the team.

For example: I downloaded Ahmed Shehzad, edited him and once I edited, it shows up "My players". Now I need to replace that edited player with in-game Ahmed Shehzad. Someone please tell the procedure.

Under the player menu look for player link tab
Then under search go to on disc teams and under Pakistan current gen select the the player whose initials match (in this case A S) and press link.

Then you should find players to link, select the player and it is done.

Then you can check for that player in the respective team
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Career skills disappearing?

I would also like to know if anyone from Big Ant can maybe answer this? I have asked it a couple of times. I suspect the bars each require +10 to fill up to the next bar but I am not sure.

I just had an idea to check this though, I am not at my PS3 to check this though. In create a player you can assign skills and I am sure there are points allocation. You could probably see how many points fill a single skill in create a player and the same would be true in career mode. I will check this out later.

I would like to know how to check your batsman's confidence if anyone knows

Same here. First post so hi everyone - but I have been playing career mode and testing by playing front foot leg side shots and so my front foot and leg side skill increases +3 to +11 in my last few innings, however when I look at my skills on the main career page, my leg side and off side skill is exactly the same.

(I can't say the same for front foot/back foot as my chosen strength was front foot, however none of my skills are increasing)

Is this a bug?
DRS/BARS/Whatever you want to call it can be turned off in T20/T10/F5 etc modes right? Only keep it for the modes it'll be realistically used in?
DRS/BARS/Whatever you want to call it can be turned off in T20/T10/F5 etc modes right? Only keep it for the modes it'll be realistically used in?

I was abit concerned with the DRS, has anyone else had LBW/caught behinds in the shield games that were given not out when you appeal? I've had it a few times and I was thinking it might be expecting me to use the DRS like in other modes but I can't in the shield. Maybe it's just trying to replicate bad decisions though.
I was abit concerned with the DRS, has anyone else had LBW/caught behinds in the shield games that were given not out when you appeal? I've had it a few times and I was thinking it might be expecting me to use the DRS like in other modes but I can't in the shield. Maybe it's just trying to replicate bad decisions though.

Bad decisions have to exist in the game for DRS to be worthwhile in the matches where it is available
Same here. First post so hi everyone - but I have been playing career mode and testing by playing front foot leg side shots and so my front foot and leg side skill increases +3 to +11 in my last few innings, however when I look at my skills on the main career page, my leg side and off side skill is exactly the same.
The skills screen will highlight the change on the last match in blue/orange - but the actual change to the length of the bar that even +11 makes is very tiny, so it will take you a lot of consistent good innings to improve things enough to be obviously visible.

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