Post your questions about the game here!

yes there will be after patch 2 I believe

Kool, thanks for the responses. I hope they give you the option to get the HUD back. I understand they want to make it realistic, but at the same time some people want to have fun with it too without spending hours upon hours practicing for it.

Might as well call it Cricket Simulator 14 if all the options are taken away from you, rather than "you" as a player of the game choosing how hard you want it to be.
Kool, thanks for the responses. I hope they give you the option to get the HUD back. I understand they want to make it realistic, but at the same time some people want to have fun with it too without spending hours upon hours practicing for it.

Might as well call it Cricket Simulator 14 if all the options are taken away from you, rather than "you" as a player of the game choosing how hard you want it to be.

i think patch 2 will make it the game i expected so i cannot wait, right now i feel like im playing an earlier version but its fun.

hope the patch helps you somewhat
Thanks for prompt reply... Did that , waiting for reply now.... i hope they can help...

PM @HBK619 he'll be in touch on Monday.

I think we need @Biggs and @Dutch to do a Q&A with Ross. Just to be fair we'll give Ross editorial approval by not doing it live ;)

Happy to do this, live, not live, I don't mind.

Kool, thanks for the responses. I hope they give you the option to get the HUD back. I understand they want to make it realistic, but at the same time some people want to have fun with it too without spending hours upon hours practicing for it.

Might as well call it Cricket Simulator 14 if all the options are taken away from you, rather than "you" as a player of the game choosing how hard you want it to be.

The game has more options and customisation than any other previous cricket game, by far, I'm not sure it's reasonable that removing the bowling HUD could be described as "all the options are taken away from you"
sorry if this has been asked i would like someone to point me if there are instructions on how to download the first patch?
just got the game today and dont want to start playing before downloading it.
It's automatic as long as you are online.
perfect. sorry if im being stupid but is there some sort of confirmation or am i to assume it is already downloaded and working?
havent played any games on the ps3 in about year and a half not sure how the patches work usually.

You should get a message about downloading version 1.01 of the software when you pop in the game, and when you say 'ok' it automaticaly downloads and applies the patch. You will know you got the patch when you play a game and can see the fielding labels on top of the fielders when you press L2 to view the field while batting.
A question based on @Biggs comments. I'm noticing that you/he keep(s) talking about caught and bowleds and repeatedly losing wickets to them, but I'm very rarely caught by the bowler. I've been dropped by him and had good shots fielded countless times, but I've only been caught a couple of times. I'm interested to know what other people's experiences on this are, as some people seem to be finding the fielding much worse and more difficult than others, in different areas?

I find my career bowler catches about 50% of shots that go in his direction, only because I learned very early just to push down on the RAS as most shots are at my feet when the batter mis-times it and hits it at me.

I've actually noticed a 95% of the time fielders act 'normally' and even miss really close catches that the supermen sometimes get. I think this might be due to how people have done the attributes of their created teams that we're getting with 'get best'. Also how some people appear to suffer the issues alot more than others is probably due to different created teams being used, or the teams you're more often playing against.

I am so confused with spin bowling now.

Now, the thing is I played offline with bowling assist on. I checked that 80% of my deliveries receive the 'good' level in the 'spin input' criteria and 90% of my deliveries are in the good length area (both in green zone). However, none of these deliveries have received an RPM above 1000 :noway.

What game mode and difficulty is this on? Have to remember that the skills of the bowler you're using (skill on the actual delivery you're trying to deliver), the player confidence at the time, the game difficulty set all affects the maximum RPM you're able to generate. Also make sure that your movement of the RAS is done just as you're hitting the end of the third rotation of the LAS (and that this co-incides with the 'ideal' release timing).

When I started the game it asked me update the names I clicked on NO and played the games and got some achievements then I went academy and update the team but that didn't fixed the name problem.

My question is how can I update the names now; I don't want to run the full team update since I already modified Pakistan team.

I think you'll have to download the other teams individually rather than using 'get best'. Alternatively, share your modified Pakastan team to the server, then 'get best' then re-download your shared team.

HELP! I was playing the career mode but the "continue" button has disappeared! It only shows "New" and "Leaderboard".. I can't afford to start a new career considering I was doing well! (I think....)

Probably make sure you've logged in as the same 'user' that you logged in when starting your career.

It was pre- patch 1, but my first career was entirely default players, I didn't download anything before starting career. Had all the same ?bermensch in the field issues I'm getting with downloaded players post-patch; I genuinely don't think it's an attributes/created teams issue.

Not to say there isn't gonna be some issues with the attributes of custom created players, we're bound to have got some stuff wrong, but I sincerely don't think it's the primary cause.

As Ross said before your post, there was a different issue that was affecting some of the player attributes to the on disk players that patch 1 fixed. I'm actually tempted to try on disk teams with a career after the patch and see if any 'uber' superman abilities show themselves in that.


Sorry, re-read his post.. Ross said they think they identified the issue and it will be in patch 2.

Does anyone know if you can change the difficulty setting midway through a career? Or any game mode for that matter?

No, can only be set at the start of the match/mode/career.

The thing is, in reality how frequently do catches go to the slips in real life?

It doesn't seem like as much as you'd expect, but it all depends on the players you're bowling with, the batters your facing, the difficulty you're playing, how you set your field, etc. I think alot of people that are doing early careers have players just not skilled enough to swing/seam enough to get the edges of the higher skilled AI players.

Is there any way to get yourself dropped from the international team?

I think getting dropped for poor performance is still working, it's just the moving up and down the order that is being patched in for the next patch. I don't know anyone who's got that far who's performed that badly to warrant a drop from the team though.
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Okay guys I need help regarding this.

I am so confused with spin bowling now. Basically, every time I bowl, I am not getting an RPM above 400 except like 1 in 50 deliveries where I get an RPM of 1000+. I played an online game with a friend who was getting RPM in excess of 1500 every time. After the match, we talked on mic where he instructed me through via voice chat on how to spin the ball. We played a 5 over game just to practice on the spinning aspect of the game. I did everything as he said and yet my RPM was never going above 400. On the other hand, he mentioned that even when he is doing 1 rotation, his RPM is touching atleast 750. So we got very confused and deduced that the problem is with my LAS. This is possible and could have gone unnoticed since not many games use LAS rotation.

Now, the thing is I played offline with bowling assist on. I checked that 80% of my deliveries receive the 'good' level in the 'spin input' criteria and 90% of my deliveries are in the good length area (both in green zone). However, none of these deliveries have received an RPM above 1000 :noway. So could my LAS be at fault if the 'spin input' level is reaching good/ perfect levels? If not, then what could I be doing so wrong that is going undetected in the bowling assist area as well?

Someone please help.

What direction are you holding the LAS stick in at the point you press the button for delivery length? You'll want to be choosing the correct leg/off break ball to get RPM over 1000. If you aren't holding anything, you never will.

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