Post your questions about the game here!

I'm quite curious to know the in-game stats/skills allotted to Sir Don Bradman's player i.e. if such player will be shipped with the game.
So can we expect the king of the com box Richie Benaud since youv got the king of cricket?
That would be marvellous.
Would love to know who the commentary team will be, Richie is to old these days but you never know.:spy
Love the game title DON BRADMAN CRICKET 14
After playing RLL2 for hours and hours on end and seeing what a great job they made of it I cannot wait for this game. It has everything a Cricket fan could dream of including Career mode, the only thing I'm slightly disappointed about is the licences or lack of including recognised stadia.

When will we find out what Stadiums are on the game? Will it be before release?

Anyway thanks to Ross and crew for giving the minor market (Cricket and Rugby League) the games they want. :thumbs
After playing RLL2 for hours and hours on end and seeing what a great job they made of it I cannot wait for this game.

I have heard a lot of people saying that RLL2 was a great game etc. Could you elaborate what was so great in it?
I have heard a lot of people saying that RLL2 was a great game etc. Could you elaborate what was so great in it?

Well I'm a huge Rugby League fan (Go to nearly every game my team plays) so this might be a bit biased. The game runs so smoothly and has a complete career mode so you can build your team up from a bottom of the league side right to the top.

It has every major and some minor stadiums across the game, every club in Super League (14) and the NRL (14+other stadiums) plus finals and international games has their stadium in the game which for me adds more realism in any game.

The gameplay is quite simply brilliant too, runs smoothly and feels very realistic and isn't just a case of button bashing but requires skill. The only problem I do have with the game (and I'm sure Ross will agree) interceptions are a big problem and if you pass the ball sometimes the opposition can intercept and then score 9/10.

Overall though for a small(ish) budget, it's a cracking game.
Surprised this hasn't been asked yet - is the Bradman Oval included in the game as a playable stadium?
will it be released in india on ps3?

cricket fans in india are waiting for this game! but will the game will release in india for ps3? and when? plz do reply...just take my money and give me the game ross :yes
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