Post your questions about the game here!

I think Twistie has a set-up to record from PS3 so he'll be streaming a few things I imagine via his YouTube channel? I'll upload a few vine videos from my living room of my reactions while I play. There will be a lot of --> :eek: and a few --> :wave

If there's any :cheers I will unsubscribe.
I think Twistie has a set-up to record from PS3 so he'll be streaming a few things I imagine via his YouTube channel? I'll upload a few vine videos from my living room of my reactions while I play. There will be a lot of --> :eek: and a few --> :wave

Does constantly rotating around your player model in the Academy really count as 'playing'?
I think Twistie has a set-up to record from PS3 so he'll be streaming a few things I imagine via his YouTube channel? I'll upload a few vine videos from my living room of my reactions while I play. There will be a lot of --> :eek: and a few --> :wave

I expect you to have a camcorder positioned strategically so it has a clear view of your TV playing DBC 14, and upload the videos ASAP. You should have the game in your hands by 9.01 (assuming stores open at 9am) and the first video should be up by 10 am :yes
I bought Elgato Game Capture a couple of weeks ago just for DBC 14. Waiting to get my hands on the game and will start uploading it online. :)
Does constantly rotating around your player model in the Academy really count as 'playing'?

I'm sure there's plenty of folks on dying to see hundreds of Vine clips of me playing with myself... in DBC14... over... and over... and over... and over...
Quick question, I have heard that game saves are online,
What if you are playing offline, does the game still saves offline,or you have to be online to save
Quick question, I have heard that game saves are online,
What if you are playing offline, does the game still saves offline,or you have to be online to save
You save online matches online. As in, be playing a match online with someone, save it and go back to it later - something no other cricket game has had.

Other save functions act as normal and are locally on your console.
I think Twistie has a set-up to record from PS3 so he'll be streaming a few things I imagine via his YouTube channel? I'll upload a few vine videos from my living room of my reactions while I play. There will be a lot of --> :eek: and a few --> :wave

We will be streaming and posting vids too :-)
On Facebook the new screenshot shows a bat with scuff do these appear on the bat, as the bats you select are obviously fresh and plain?
On Facebook the new screenshot shows a bat with scuff do these appear on the bat, as the bats you select are obviously fresh and plain?

I recall Ross saying that the bat will age as you bat and the "cherries" will start to appear.
I wonder if it is going to be generic marking, or if the cherries will actually show in the spot you hit the ball. Probably the latter for now.

I'm assuming it will be generic based on the no. of deliveries you have faced.

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