Well after quite a lot of hours of play with the demo I've formed mixed impressions. For starters, the game's quite better than last years, kudos for that.
But somehow, the game still gives an arcadey feeling. I'm not talking about the gameplay, or the ball physics, I'm talking about the general feeling of the game. For example, when players run you don't feel their weight, they seem to be running on a frictionless ground. Although collisions are better, they too sometimes feel low on momentum and I feel the players are flying in air without gravity and suddenly some force pulls them down, though the force's effect dissappears when they are just about to collide with the ground, which spoils the collision animations basically.
The grass is pathetic. I mean, I don't really want 3d Grass just because it is their in FIFA this year, but even for 2d Standards graphics, the grass is pathetic. The stadium is pretty good.
The graphics show their true potential when cut scenes happen, and that's when you can feel the power of Konami's graphical engine, but its just not well executed in terms of graphics, in the real play of the match. I hope its fixed.
Also, the overall feeling of the game, due to the reasons I mentioned above(Weightless players or no gravity, frictionless ground) give me the feeling of the game as that of FIFA 99 tbh.
Ball physics is pretty cool, and so is gameplay, but the other factors are currently taking it down IMO. I'm positive about these being fixed in the full version though.