Maybe he's the serial killer trying to hide his role
I have no reasons to hide my role. My only power given by Zorax is the power of a vote.
I cannot do much more than create discussions and hope to get clues out of it.
Maybe he's the serial killer trying to hide his role
Or so you say...
Maybe your a serial killer that comes up as a townie when serached by the cops?
If you're suggesting Varun's not a psychopath, then he's got to be mafia, or he has a lot to explain.
you seem to anxious, FOS'ing everyone...
Though we would have liked a better explanation of the 'companions' thing, rather than saying it was just to confuse us..
There was nothing mentioned about you being townie in the post, so that's interesting. A vanilla townie would post that as the first thing.
Rules said:- Role-claiming is allowed at anytime. However, posting the contents of your PM will have you mod-killed
Lynch: Zorax
Unlynch: Zorax
Lynch: Funknath
I really would like Riz to answer some of my questions as well.