Psych-Ward Mafia - Night 4!!

That's incredibly bad for us. But in all seriousness, what the hell was he trying to do? All he did was made himself look like mafia.

Interesting in the writeup that "Joeseph had a bad feeling about this, but Richard insisted"
That Joseph and Richard thing makes me even more suspicious of Ollie and BKB1991. Varun as I said earlier fell for lack of experience.
I think I know something about the Joseph and Richard statement.. Maybe who they are. I wouldn't reveal it though in the night phase, that would be dumb, making them sitting ducks in the line of fire.
Just in case people get confused, there is meant to be no discussion during the night phase so the thread shall be closed and re-opened upon Zorax's request.
I got a PM with somebodys name in it from/for this thread. I know you guys aren't allowed to talk or whatever but what's it for, and how do younplau this game bc I'm interested
Read some of the past ones :)

And weird that this forum has been unlocked :/ Hopefully that means Zorax will post an update soon...
Hmm. I'm waiting on one more role actually. Haven't gotten it yet.

Meh, he's had plenty of time. I'll do the write up now and post it in a bit, and announce who's dead.

Night had fallen, and everyone had gone asleep.

In one corner, Richard decided that he should keep an eye out for someone here. Someone who could prove valuable to their survival.

This man didn't look like he belonged here. Richard couldn't help wondering how he was stuck in there with them. But he didn't question it. Not till the morning anyways. For now, just make sure none of the crazies harm him.

And in another corner, Joeseph decided he should poke and prod around a little bit more...


MaD had remembered reading somewhere that this institution was the home to a dangerous schizophrenic, a man who committed horrible crimes and heroic deeds under various personalities. One day he'd rescue a cat from a tree or stop a mugging, the next day, he'd shoot an old lady in the head. No one knew what to make of him, but they figured it would be safest if he was locked away, and made to undergo therapy till he was better.

This man was Dr. Brown's favourite subject. A living case study unlike anyone had seen before. Dr. Brown's writings and findings had made him famous in the Schizophrenic and MPD circles. This man, Dr. Brown claimed, couldn't be cured, but only studied. And that's why he was kept so secret, away from the other psychologists who might be tempted to report any new findings as their own, steal Dr. Brown's credit and limelight.

But now MaD was in charge. And, for the safety of all those in the house, he had to find him.

So that night he decided he'd start nightly one-on-one sessions with the people in the house, to see if he could find this Schizophrenic. It wouldn't last as long as he would hope...


The next morning, MaD was found lying dead on the floor in his office. Strangled silently to death.


MaD is dead. He was:


The Psychologist, Sane, Town Aligned

You are the new psychologist in town, hired by the Psych Ward to cure the most dangerous patients here.
However, at this moment you are concerned only with finding the Schizophrenic.
Every night you may send in one name in search for the Schizophrenic. If you are correct, the Schizophrenic's identity will be revealed publicly and he'll now become town-aligned. However, if you fail, you'll have to try again the next night, and Schizophrenic will continue to be a threat to society. You do not have the ability to distinguish between the Sane and Insane, the good guys and the bad.

You win when the Town wins, if you survive till the end.​


IT IS NOW DAY 2!!!!!!


MaD had remembered reading somewhere that this institution was the home to a dangerous schizophrenic, a man who committed horrible crimes and heroic deeds under various personalities. One day he'd rescue a cat from a tree or stop a mugging, the next day, he'd shoot an old lady in the head. No one knew what to make of him, but they figured it would be safest if he was locked away, and made to undergo therapy till he was better.

Yeah this pretty much proves my theory that the psycho does not necessarily have to be a killer. He can kill people certainly, but he can also do random actions. Now that our psychiatrist is dead, I doubt we will be able to find the psycho.
Looks like we need to definitely hit mafia today. Because already we townies have to deal with two groups mafia and a crazy psycho. if both start killing and hit. We will be two townies down.
Pretty bad we lost MaD. As I've been saying, I again say BKB1991 is the culprit. He hasn't really defended himself well and wanted a not so needed lynch on day 1.

Lynch : BKB1991
Pretty bad we lost MaD. As I've been saying, I again say BKB1991 is the culprit. He hasn't really defended himself well and wanted a not so needed lynch on day 1.

Lynch : BKB1991

Ollie was the one who suggested lynching someone in the first place.
Yes, he did. But, that is what he has been doing in all the games (almost). I was suspicious of him in first place and am still but I'm more suspicious of BKB1991.
User can you give some specific stuff which makes you suspicious of him?
Maybe a few quotes?

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