Psych-Ward Mafia - Night 4!!

Lynch - BKB1991.

Go my way and we'll succeed or we can just sit and cry later on. I don't have much time at hands so cannot really post much.
Yep. Go Users way he knows what hes talking about :sarcasm

I dont think Aditya is mafia just a townie. I am more inclined towards Riz at the moment. He may have got exams and all but none of his posts have been helpful at all as ARay mentioned. I would like him to answer the questions that ARay posted.

FOS: Riz

I still have suspicion on hedger, but I reckon I am in need of more time to successfully collect the right information. User's just looks a whole load suspicious that he wants to lynch BKB without a real reason justified in that post.
My reason to FOS anyone hasn't been the best I agree and that's why I haven't lynched any member yet.

Does my inactivity prove that I am mafia or my poor reasons to fos anyone prove that I am mafia?

You didn't even answer my questions. If townies lose this game, its because they are too inactive to provide any real discussions.

Okay here is an analysis of what people have been doing so far:
User: Lynch BKB, FOS-BKB, OLLIE, Lynch: Ollie, Lynch BKB, Lynch: BKB
Aditya: FOS Varun, LYnch Varun, FOS hedger
BKB: FOS Varun, Lynch Varun, FOS Riz
Abhas: FOS varun, Lynch varun, FOS ARay, FOS aditya, FOS BKB (forced), Lynch aditya, FOS RIZ
ARay: Lynch Varun, Unlynch Varun, Lynch Riz, Lynch Aditya
Chewie FOS varun? (this is the only thing he has done. No votes so far and he has quietened down comparatively)
Hedger: FOS varun, Lynch Varun, FOS Ollie, FOS aditya, FOS Riz, Lynch Riz
Ollie: Lynch hedger, FOS hedger, FOS hedger, LYnch User
Riz: Lynch Varun, FOS hedger
Thats a very well collected one ARay. Riz and Aditya have been the least helpful in the discussion, and I am inclined to go for either of them depending on their posts tomorrow.
Riz not answering questions properly either suggests that he is busy and does not have time, or he can't think of enough reasons to cover for himself. But if he was Mafia he still would have given it a shot.

Not too sure about the others because some of the discussion has just gone right over my head. I really need to read this again from the start.
What is your view on Hedger and aditya?
I want you explain me what you think about Users insistence that BKB is mafia?
I want also to know what do you think about your fellow player?
who are in your mafia suspicions right now?
Who do you think are townies?
Reasons supporting your answers would be nice as well.
Chewie I would also like you to answer these set of questions.
I will try to answer them tonight when I have some time to go through the whole thread again and try to follow the discussions going on. At the moment I'm about to go out to the computer place and then I'm playing tennis for a few hours.
Guys, I wont be at home today coz I'm going for the Aus vs SL match. So, on the basis of discussion, I have a feeling both riz and aditya are not answering much.

My Lynch for Aditya remains, but please keep in mind I won't be able to change the lynch for the whole day, and vote sensibly.
Alright, that's the end of the days play.

To sum up, there was a lot of arguing, lot of accusations thrown, but a lot of indecisiveness. And in the end, there was no lynch.

So it is now NIGHT! Send in your roles!!
I still have suspicion on hedger, but I reckon I am in need of more time to successfully collect the right information. User's just looks a whole load suspicious that he wants to lynch BKB without a real reason justified in that post.

Alright, by this post I'm very suspicious of Ollie. I had my doubts over Abhas but it seems he may not be the mafia. Ollie and BKB were the ones who were very quick for the lynch on day 1. Ollie though has been doing it over and over again. But, in this post he's just lynched me for no reason. Just because I'm going for BKB, you're lynching me?

I won't be surprised if I'm killed tonight. Lynch BKB, I again say.
So let me get this straight User, you dont want to lynch anyone? You are the only one who has had problems with lynch on Day 1, everyone here has actually understood the reasons why those who lynched Varun did. Gosh!
A day wasted. We did not get the lynch underway even. So much inactivity. It is really difficult to make decisions when people being interrogated don't even reply.

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