I'm not one who usually analyses the write-ups very well at all, and this is no exception, I can read little from that other than what has already been posted. I agree that there is probably a bus driver, PD's other games had one too so it wouldn't be a surprise if Abhas was the bus driver.
If that's true, Smurf is lying, no? Of all the claims so far, Smurf's has been the one perhaps hardest to believe IMO. Yours sounds like a more solid claim.
I can't think straight atm, I'm pretty tired, but since this may be one of my last posts of day 3 (day ends in about 12 hours, right?), I'll match my suspicion with a lynch.
Unlynch: Zhuorb
Lynch: Papa_Smurf
PS: Your avatar is a bit misleading

OK, so I was basically half asleep while posting that. I guess I didn't take into account there is a good chance Smurf
also roleblocked BKB (as was earlier stated I think).
The fact that he claimed as Trott too gives me more doubts, as Zhuorb stated, that is a solid claim and Trott is likely to be in the game. No CC either.
So, with that, I am going to put my suspicions of him to rest for now.
Now, let's take a look at the rest of the guys in the game. So far, this is what we've gathered from the numerous claims so far in the game and deaths.
1. Manly - Town
2. Sedition - ?
3. RPHKR - ?
4. BKB - Third Party
5. User - ?
6. Abhas - Town
7. Zhuorb - Town
8. Aditya - Town
9. BKB V2 - ?
10. Barmy - ?
11. Ste - ?
12. Papa Smurf - Leaning Town
13. Treva - Town
There are six question marks there, of which I reckon there'll be at least three and up to four non-townies. Could be another third-party not sure.
Of those, the only one I reckon most likely isn't Mafia is Sedition. his gameplay when he was the prostitute last game was much more self-defence oriented than this game, where he has been extremely aggressive. Added to that, he has been the most active contributor as well, hardly behaviour you'd expect from a Mafioso.
I'm also going to go with the theory BKB V2 is most likely a vanilla townie as well as Varun would've stuck around if he was something more interesting. We can go after him later if need be.
With that in mind, for me, it's one of the others. Ste's gameplay has been suspicious to me all game. It's hard to come to any conclusions as we don't know at all how he plays. Also, his insistence today of getting the lynch on Papa_Smurf in very early is scummy to me, this is not like day 3 where we are really desperate to get a lynch in before the end so IMO he's jumped the gun a bit. No analysis of the write-up as well. Reminds me a bit of Aditya from day 3. If he is Mafia, and Smurf is town, it is to his benefit then that everyone is going after him, it represents a good chance for him to lynch off someone who isn't on his Mafia team.
From what I remember, RPHKR has posted a number of nothing posts and doesn't seem to be posting his opinions much. The majority of his posts have been analysis of the write-ups and trying to figure out the roles in the game.
User has added little and has agreed that himself in one of his more recent posts.
Barmy has added near nothing since the first day. He is busy, but just because he is busy, doesn't mean he can't be Mafia.
So, with that being the majority of what I've read so far,
FOS: Ste, RPHKR, User, BarmyArmy.
For me Ste and RPHKR are the most suspicious. Ste however, is new, and he has at least posted his opinions.
With that in mind,
Lynch: RPHKR.