ICC Board Member
Hang on, if Thedon is telling the truth and he was indeed blocked, then the question that raises is, why didn't the mafia block RPHKR (doc)? Now, that's weird. Where is RPHKR anyway?
It isn't confirmed that User was town by any means. Btw, how exactly do you know that Abhas was not roleblocked? A hunch you are stating as a fact maybe?
Someone else claimed they were blocked. I'll check back later.
It's time for me to claim now. I'm Ian Bell - the doctor.
My PM says that I've saved the team on many occasions with my hundreds which gives me the protective ability.
Last night I was unsure whom to protect. I protected treva as he was the confirmed townie and a double-voter too.
Night 1 - Protect barmyarmy - Colin was the most active and a possible night 1 candidate to be killed.
Night 2 - Protect Papa_Smurf(blocked) - His claim was solid and noone counter-claimed it. I reckon, he was the only town power role claimed that time.
Night 3 - Protect Sedition - Sedition was giving town vibes for me and his aggression hinted the possibility of town power role
Night 4 - Protect treva
I'm not satisfied with the claim of Ste, if he was the bullet-proof, his play should have been different. With masons, a busdriver, 2 cops, tracker and a doctor, his role doesn't suit.
As a final thought you two would have more credibility going after me if I hadn't just accused both of you of being mafia.
I don't understand what you're saying here. Treva wasn't going to be lynched.
Explain how they are poor assumptions. They make perfect sense.
Hang on, if Thedon is telling the truth and he was indeed blocked, then the question that raises is, why didn't the mafia block RPHKR (doc)? Now, that's weird. Where is RPHKR anyway?
He hasn't protected even ONE guy yet. That's either terrible doc play, or there's simply no doc at all. Again, he only claimed doc once me and Colin mentioned it. Colin was the first to mention it, I wonder why? They are a team, that's why.
They didn't block him since he isn't doc, he is Mafia. Quite simple really.
Or, as Colin said. Perhaps they know he can't protect the same guy two days in a row, and went after me as the only cop in the game, as they knew they were killing of treva.
For the final time this isn't about characters and who is "most likely" to be mafia. None of the claims are "likely" to be mafia. It's about gameplay.
Also based on Ste's logic why would Ian Bell be mafia?![]()
Right, my gameplay has been town (evidenced by how no-one was suspicious of me prior to this), and yours has been Mafia (evidenced by how everyone was suspicious of him yesterday, especially treva who was clearly on to something, so was killed).
he isn't established as ian bell yet is he? seeing as he is still alive and all that nonsense.
as you have said the mafia have been given fake claims (which i don't think has been mentioned as anything other than a possibility by anyone else, so the only way you could know for certain would be by being mafia) so he could just be claiming ian bell and actually be somebody else.
using your logic, that is![]()
Where did I mention Doc? Also you want to lynch off the one role that leaves the town with a chance of winning should we mis-lynch again?
Also based on Ste's logic why would Ian Bell be mafia?
So you also think there's no doc in the game? I can't think of a single game we've played with no doc.
Anyway keep up the straw clutching. Who are you going to try and lynch off next? Adi as he's a mafia mason?
No-one was suspicious of you because of your claim. People were suspicious of me because I was trying to stay alive instead of help the town.
Treva was killed because he couldn't be protected.
Anyway keep up the straw clutching. Who are you going to try and lynch off next? Adi as he's a mafia mason?
No-one was suspicious of you because of your claim. People were suspicious of me because I was trying to stay alive instead of help the town.
Treva was killed because he couldn't be protected.
We have an entire England cricket XI claimed. Either characters are irrelevant and random people are mafia or the mafia have fake claims.
It doesn't really matter either way as far as I can see.
The point is to focus on gameplay and accept that characters are just flavour.
well based on gameplay why as mafia would i kill off treva when besides the don he was the only person who didn't voice strong doubts over me? especially when he has two votes that would really help save me?