BKB, are you allowed to give information out as KP? Cos if PD isn't revealing roles, then technically we're not supposed to know. Not that I'm complaining, but you could be mis-leading us if your new roles is also not pro-town.
I didn't realize there was a 48 hour deadline to the day!! We arent going anywhere so far.
Lynch: user
Although the 1st day vote was random, I wasn't too convinced with his reply, besides, since we don't have much to go from, a little bit of pressure would be helpful.
From the writeup we can conclude one thing, KP was killed by the mafia, and not by the person he targeted (something like a role being night unkillable, and the person trying to kill him, gets killed instead).
Maybe the death of the SK put the cult into action.. That would explain the reintegration thing.
I didn't realize there was a 48 hour deadline to the day!! We arent going anywhere so far.
Lynch: user
Although the 1st day vote was random, I wasn't too convinced with his reply, besides, since we don't have much to go from, a little bit of pressure would be helpful.
The PM basically said I was unsuccessful and that I am now dead.
Sedition, you sure are aware about the time difference between India and Australia. Been a busy weekend though, apologizes for my inactivity.
Someone raised a point about me jumping on bandwagon on day 1 and going for a no lynch. So what? Did we really had any discussion at all? What option I had apart from going for a no lynch?
@RPHKR - You really expect BKB to reveal who he targeted?
PD actually replied back saying you are now dead? That's weird. Mods don't usually reply back saying that you are now dead.
Sedition, you sure are aware about the time difference between India and Australia. Been a busy weekend though, apologizes for my inactivity.
Someone raised a point about me jumping on bandwagon on day 1 and going for a no lynch. So what? Did we really had any discussion at all? What option I had apart from going for a no lynch?
@RPHKR - You really expect BKB to reveal who he targeted?
PD actually replied back saying you are now dead? That's weird. Mods don't usually reply back saying that you are now dead.