Quarter finals - Germany vs Argentina

To make it even worse. The goalkeeper was replaced as the first substitution, so the Argentina coach had plenty of options with the two remaining substitutions what to do. Also I was thinking after the third substitution what would happen if Germany scores, since Cruz doesn't seems to be a great striker. But now we know. :mad
Good win for the Germans, Jens Lehmann was just awesome. It was interesting seeing Germany take off Klose before the shoot out thought he would be one to take them.
Really enjoyed this game,I thought that the Germans really came back due to the crowd support after being a goal down.Argentina made some negative subs in there which cost them the match.Also dont understand the thinking behind not starting or even bringing on Messi.The Germans would be my best bet to reach the finals now.
Damn it.. anyways argentina's coach did a big mistake while subsituting riquelme and Crespo . Germany played good too. Congrats to them!

Well Riquelme and Crespo are not the youngest legs in the business and I felt they would be not be as effective anyways, seeing as the match lasted 120 minutes. The men he put on the field were good and in good form, but failed to deliver when it really mattered. Also, with the injury of the goalkeeper it already took one of the substitution options out of the game for Argetina. This is where I feel Germany may have won it. They have been doing a lot of physical training which has enhanced their stamina & endurance. As a result, they were able to stay on the field, run back and forth for 120 minutes. The Captain really led from the front, despite his injury. He even came back to hammer the nail on the coffin, when he came up to the penalty box to score a goal Germany so needed at the time.
Well i really thiink that home support got the Germans over the line.The Crowd were very vocal against any Argentinian delaying tactics,and i think that would have given Germany a real boost.There weren't many chances either way so it would have been very tough on the Argentines.Come back next time boys!
To be very honest, I think Argentina were the best team in this competition till now. But on the day the Germans just edged them. But then I'm not really a big fan of penalties anyways.

But yeah the substitutions killed them.
Argentinial subs hurt them.
Once it was down to pnalties I knew that Germany would win .
What happened at the end, the players squaring up to each other, lol ready to fight?
TBH Argies always do that when they loose.
It was awesome!Anyone see Maxi Rodriguez jump in and start dishing out punches and kicks!?Very poor conduct of course,but surely we aren't surprised.

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