Rahul's Face Thread

new sig


  • rahul_chelsea.gif
    25.9 KB · Views: 338
yup i know.... i tried changing the colour but didnt look rite.......the pic was 2 bright so this is all i cud do.......i'll try to find a better pic!!
and the screens are already there in the download.......dont need to take 1!! i put all of them in a separate folder!!
i sure am......i like chelsea as well....my loyalties swap b.w the 2...
in manu vs chelsea i always support manu though!! just wanted to change my sig for a while!!
hi Rahul . this is Rahul "rahulmvora" the kitmaker from SG .
u have made some excellent faces Rahul ! btw one request if u dont mind .
I am a Big fan of Ajit Agarkar . pls can u make a face for him ? thanks in advance :)
gr8 to c u here rahul.....many ppl used to confuse me for u at sg...not making kits anymore???

first of all welcome to the forums.....secondly thanx for the comments!! and as for the agarkar face u can find it in the indian face pack which me and fobstyle made.....u can get it from cricket2004.co.uk.....it's in the faces/face pack section....there are 2 face packs ...1 by me alone and 1 by me and fobstyle.....download the 1 by me and fob...that has all the faces!! need anymore help lemme know!!
yes i know there were lot of confusions with u'r names :)
i was bored making kits and also fifa series is getting kinda worse year by year . but when fifa 2005 comes out , i will start making kits (of course the Man Utd Kits will be made first ;) )

Also thank u Rahul and f0bstyle for making wonderful faces for this game ! also the 2GB Bats were amazing ! i have downloaded alomst everything from this site ! keep up the good work !

also why dont u try to make faces for FIFA ? u have really good talent in making faces ...
thanx for appreciating the work..... and i agree with u on the fifa series...i'm playing pes 3...gr8 gameplay and with the patches i got the real teams and names as well!!

as for making fifa faces..donno..it's quite different...that needs modelling in oedit and stuff....but might have a go at them soon...i guess when fifa 2005 comes out!!
Started some Aussie faces....had made some long time back but thought i'll redo them coz those were my first few faces for cricket 2004....

here's Brett Lee redone...what do u think??


  • brett lee 1.png
    brett lee 1.png
    12.5 KB · Views: 138
new sig..just a little 2 late to give my nomination in the awards though..:(


  • rahul cricket sig.gif
    rahul cricket sig.gif
    29.6 KB · Views: 1,905
posted by auwais barthez
I thought you were a Man U fan, Rahul?

posted by rahulm5
sure am......i like chelsea as well....my loyalties swap b.w the 2...
in manu vs chelsea i always support manu though!! just wanted to change my sig for a while!!

Man U fans may like Chelsea................but Chelsea fans will never...and I mean never..... support ManUre.

Anyways, I do like Christiano Ronaldo, as I saw him play for Sporting before joining Manure. Same goes for Reyes in the case of Arsenal.
hello ppl!! i'm back!!

thanx to every1 who voted for me! i'm inspired to start making faces again!! pity that no1 has still managed to add more faces to the game...that's what demoralised me!!

anyways...any requests??? what shud i make as a priority....shud i complete my aussie faces pack???

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