Rahul's Face Thread

i'll finish off aussies first......as for zimbabwe it'll be quite hard to find good pics of the new players....scootsteiner if u find any plzz post them here....wudnt mind doing them after aussies!!

just 1 thing....i want some1 to help me with taking ingame screens of the new faces so that i can correct any mistakes...i wont be able to import all myself...if any1 wants to plzz let me know! it wud be a gr8 help!!
cool thanx a lot vaughan!!

Here's an improved Matthew Hayden....what do u think...made a face after a long time...is the skin colour all right or is it 2 orange??


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    matthew hayden 1.png
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Your faces are fantastic -thanks. Have downloaded your pack and used it in the game. Is it possible to do another Andrew Strauss as the light seems to make him look a bit evil?!

Keep up the good work!
thanx phil...and about the strauss face i've been looking for a decent pic of his but havnt had any luck yet!! if u can find a pic plzzz post it here...i'll keep looking as well!!
Here's Brad Williams
....plzzz some comments!!

and vaughan if u can take a screen it'll be gr8!! thanx!


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come on ppl....gimme some comments at least....is any1 even interested in these faces???

here's Darren Lehmann


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and Damien Martyn....what do u think .... btw can some1 post some good pics of katich..kasprowich....shane warne and gilchrist plzz!! really wanna complete this pack fast now...been a long time!!


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    damien martyn.png
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Good work Rahul!
My next match is England v Australia. If you could tell me how the Face Replacer works, then i could use all 22 faces in the match.
thanx vaughan........havnt figured out face replacer yet...i'm gonna try and use it in a day or two...i'll let u know then
now i'm probably gonna finally get to completing the face pack....i'm collecting all the pics of the players left found all almost....
only Kasprowicz and gilchrist i cant find good pics and also brad hogg ....plzzz some1 post them here if they can get any good pics then i can get down to completing the face pack!! thanx!!
here's a preview pic of gilchrist and simon katich....how do u like them????


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2 versions of ian harvey......which 1 do u ppl prefer??


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warne and kasprowicz


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