Rugby Union World Cup 2007

Uhm Notts are you playing with a fulll deck, cause I think your one fry short of a happy meal, did you see how South Africa destroyed Samoa?

BTW who can't beat Israel in soccer? Germany beat England on home ground with an understrength squad

And for your comment on you beating the US...dude they are ranked 15th in the world, they are a total amatuer side, most of their money is put into Basketball, Soccer, Baseball, Grid Iron, Ice Hockey. I'd say rugby perhaps makes up the 8th most important sport in getting a 28 - 10 victory over USA is a disgrace, when you've jumped on to the right horse, then perhaps you can start talking rugby
England were a mess that game and Israel are not an easy game, otherwise they wouldn't be on 17 points. Anyway this isn't about football, South Afrcia will probably beat us, but we've got a chance. When you see how upset the England guys were with their performance yesterday you know they will perform much better
I agree England did look very upset, but hasn't that been the case since the beginning of the year, I'm not sure much will change. I read an article where Jake White talked about the all important English clash and he quoted in saying that "it's funny that Ashton says he knows how to play us now and he even doesn't know who his best side is, we knew our best side three years ago"

World Cup is between Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and don't right off France, you know them...they'll be back with a bang! Argentina are bound to do well I believe, but hey aren't we forgetting Ireland here!
I am very much a casual fan of rugby union and I believe the final will be New Zealand vs South Africa.
Now Canada performed decent especially considering they lead the Walsh at half time. Both teams should go much better against lower opposition.
Oh man this is just a joy to watch, how big countries are failing to make an impact against smaller nations, firstly England against USA, Canada vs Wales and now Ireland vs Namibia, 32 17 ? you got too be joking, Namibia lost 113-10 or something against SA in a warm-up match this can't be happening, now with what I said that Ireland would beat Argentina, please hold that thought cause now I see Argentina topping pool D and and most likely playing Italy or Scotland in the quarters while we might see another 99 repeat of France vs New Zealand in the quarters....a potential Argentinia and South Africa semi-final glooming? You never know!
I think it's fair to say that, with the exception of the sweaties who beat up little Portugal quite effectively, all the 6 Nations teams have looked dead set ordinary in their first games.

England have no excuses; the selection of our squad and our captain were wrong, but that's our own stupid fault. Farrell shouldn't have been in the 30, if any of the geniuses who signed him from league knew squat they'd have seen he'd been playing prop for Wigan 'cos his knees were knackered. So we're lumbered with an inside centre (or 2nd 5/8th if you're from the antipodes) with no pace and whose distribution isn't good enough to make up for it. Geraghty or Flood should've gone in his place. 3 outside centres (Noon, Hipkiss & Tait) seems at least one too many as well, especially when both Robinson & Lewsey have played there for their clubs.

Vickery's a liability too, he shouldn't even be in the XV just now, much less be captain. If he does get cited for that trip on the yank centre it'll be doing us a favour.
Thought the Irish would put Namibia to the sword but yet again we had a competitive game. Don't know what is going on with the 6 Nation teams all of them had friendlies before this tournament whereas Aus and NZ skipped them and have started off with bangs.
At the moment France have really dissapionted, their whole game was just below par! Perhaps them facing England and Wales wasn't a good idea cause it created them too think they are unbeatable, Australia and New Zealand impressed me and so SA. I'm just wondering might we see an all Southern semi final? I hope in France's case not but they are going to find it hard coming through the back door
England are 500/1 to win, worth £2 do you think?
England are 500/1 to win, worth ?2 do you think?

Really? 500/1? We were like 44/1 before the tournament.

Anyway if you can get 500/1 on us it's definitely worth a throwaway bet, especially if you can get each-way odds on a final place. If we manage to beat the yarps this Friday (unlikely, but stay with me) we'll probably have Wales in the quarters (winnable), France/Ireland/Argentina in the semis (again winnable, especially if it rains) before we get dismantled by NZ in the final. It's an unlikely scenario, but if you can get (say) quarter odds on a final spot it's worth a sly quid or two.

Our chances of beating SA are getting slimmer by the hour though, according to the BBC site Olly Barkley is now a serious doubt for the match which (with Jonny still not fit) means we don't have a fit specialist fly-half in our XV. Great. I'd guess Catt would play at 10, with Farrell at 12 should it come to that. Help! :(
Is Wilkinson definately out, 50/50 or theres a good chance of him playing? Just I haven't really been looking :p
I might have a little wager then...if i get the £1000 i'll be pretty pleased, i already won £600 on Saturday.
Is Wilkinson definately out, 50/50 or theres a good chance of him playing? Just I haven't really been looking :p

Definitely out of Friday's game at any rate. Article I read said that the type of ankle ligament injury he's got normally takes 3-6 weeks to get over. I think if it was any player but Wilkinson a replacement would already have been called up.

The trouble is with Barkley now injuring his hip it leaves us pretty squarely screwed at fly-half.

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