Save Game Options: I can't be the only one that wants this feature..

Save Game options in DBC should include:

  • Total voters
He's had the chance to do that for weeks and has refused to do so, always reciting some nonsense like "I won't show my Steam ID until bugs are fixed" which is just some ridiculous logic (more likely to be listened to if you prove you are a legitimate customer).

I think he's had long enough and needs an ultimatum - verify his copy or be banned.
I can post a video playing on ps3 that's the best I can do for you PM me Madman and Zomberian for video link and please don't ruin this thread, you're going way offtopic.
I can post a video playing on ps3 that's the best I can do for you PM me Madman and Zomberian for video link and please don't ruin this thread, you're going way offtopic.

I haven't posted anything but why don't you just get your copy verified like every other person with a genuine copy. It would save a lot of hassle.
People are bound to be suspicious.
If u get out, u can just alt+f4 the game, restart and just resume from your last saved point... By just slogging and saving after evry over, and restarting when u get out, u can get:
1) As much score as u want
2) All the wickets u want
3) Achievements
4) Legendary stats

There should be an autosave feature added after each dismissal and/or evry few overs to break this...
I made a seperate thread for this issue until i was redirected here, glad im not alone in thinking this...
Plus, there are a lot of power outages where i live, lost quite a bit of game time...
How does other players wasting their time by ALT+F4ing impact on your playing experience?
It doesnt, and ultimately i dont care that much about it either... But the power outages do impact my playing experience... Have to save after every couple of overs... Its a real pain...
I'm sorry, but I genuinely have to laugh when someone mentions "power outages" as a reason for a games developer to add a feature into their product. I know it's prolly a real thing you face reasonably regularly, but it's just hilarious to me. I'd have bigger concerns if that was an issue I faced, rather than saving a computer game.
Sadly, not everyone lives in a developed country and therefore, many people unwillingly have to face the power outages. I'd rather sympathize with them than laugh at them.
I'm sorry, but I genuinely have to laugh when someone mentions "power outages" as a reason for a games developer to add a feature into their product. I know it's prolly a real thing you face reasonably regularly, but it's just hilarious to me. I'd have bigger concerns if that was an issue I faced, rather than saving a computer game.
O Ha Ha... Lemme tell u its a real bitch... Bigger concerns???
Sadly, not everyone lives in a developed country and therefore, many people unwillingly have to face the power outages. I'd rather sympathize with them than laugh at them.
@Biggs U understand that???
It means if i have a good sense of humour about it, then im a awesome guy.
If u have anything close to a sense if humour about it, ur a douche...
Those are the rules!!!
Just fyi, i dont expect the devs to just make it happen immediately... It'd be nice if they did it.
Plus, its not just my problem, my whole country is facing it...

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