Super 8: 20th Match England v India

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I can blame Jadeja for playing a shitty innings, regardless of when Yuvraj came out. That innings wouldn't have been valuable in any scenario unless we were chasing about 90 and had lost our whole top order.

It wasn't that great off an innings, but Dhoni or Yuvraj should of come out. It was bad captaincy by Dhoni.
He's young, how many games of T20 has he played?
He's played two full seasons of the IPL as well as the Indian domestic Twenty20 league before the IPL started. In short, enough. He was part of Warnie's championship-winning team so it's not as if he hasn't rubbed shoulders with greats of the game.

He will probably learn A LOT from that performance, and the fact that as soon as he goes back to India he'll get absolutely lynched from the local press I reckon. It must be awesome to be Sachin, I bet he hardly ever gets bad press.
Sachin gets a lot of bad press in India, probably more than all other players combined. Most of it isn't worth thinking about, leave alone reading. Of course Jadeja has learned a lot, but you shouldn't be doing your learning in a World Cup. This is why I said about a week and a half ago that I hope Jadeja is nowhere near the XI.
We can do it! Yes, we can! Yusuf you are a true hero! C'mon baby! Some more of those and we'll be home. You can do it, dude!

He's young, how many games of T20 has he played?

IPL 1 + IPL 2. Know, it's domestic, but still, he did lock horns with some greats there, didn't he? But no improvement.
If we win from here, this is EQUAL TO LORDS 2002 WHERE YUVRAJ AND KAIF WON IT AMAZINGLY (from 5 wkts down, we pulled that one back)!! But I dont expect it to happen
I wanna shoot this asking rate! It's rising every over. :mad: And no, still game on. All depends on Pathan now. If he keeps us, we remain, if he throws us, we die
It wasn't that great off an innings, but Dhoni or Yuvraj should of come out. It was bad captaincy by Dhoni.
Bad captaincy shouldn't absolve him of his poor innings.

Also worth noting how badly the England fielding blows ours out of the water. They've probably saved at least 10-15 more runs than we have.
Collingwood better not stuff this up for us, why is Wright bowling.
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