End Game The Federal Mafia - Mafia (Simon & The Deadman) win

I have suspicion on three people.
Asprin takes the top spot.
We don't need quitters.
Did you vote for him because of only this reason ?

Note that I am not defending asprin. Just got some time so looked at some posts and I am going one by one. You gave couple of reasons after this post. But before this post, I couldn't find any reasons of you blaming him. ( I might have missed. Please do enlighten me if I had missed )
Did you vote for him because of only this reason ?
Nope. His posts were of mafia behavior he was too vocal in defending himself against Alfred.
But before this post, I couldn't find any reasons of you blaming him.
I was not online before that post. I came to thread, saw all his posts and other posts and made a lynch post against him with just one reason, providing more reasons as the game went.
While I was offline this time I had my doubts about my lynch on him as I have been wrong before but I noticed one thing when in previous games I was targeting someone as a mafia but in reality he was town there would be other people trying to fuel the fire potentially mafia but I didn't saw anybody fueling the fire here instead they were people who tried to defuse the flame. Eventually had had people FOS'ing him and Lynching him but they were nearly 12 hours after my Lynch on him, I don't think mafia would wait that long which warded of my doubts about asprin and made me believe he is mafia.
Give me someone else that you are suspecting (with a valid reason ) and I'll unlynch you.

All 9 of you. Don't bother with the unlynch.
I believe others need to chime in to move this day ahead. You can't watch from the stand and hope everything will work out by itself.[DOUBLEPOST=1496586311][/DOUBLEPOST]
All 9 of you. Don't bother with the unlynch.
Not helping.
Looks like you don't want to target a single person so he doesn't take a look at you and see through you.
Ok, so Im damn suspicious of Jack now... His "quitters" reason was bullshit and was just baseless for a lynch.

Lynch - Jack Ryder
Even the most novice player won't make it that obvious. I rest my case.

If that were true it wouldn't happen nearly as often as it does.

Please extend with late activity, we need a lynch here. it's the only way to keep the numbers on our side.

What exactly are you trying to do here ?

I find this a very cheesy attempt to appear town aligned.


@Alfred Jodocuswe need to get a goon lynched here

You don't say.

Who did you have in mind for that ?
Cause all the lack of activity makes it kinda hard to deduce anything.
Pretty sure "lack of activity" can be said to apply to you as well.

I believe others need to chime in to move this day ahead. You can't watch from the stand and hope everything will work out by itself.

Why is everyone suddenly going "people should post more"...
First Rudolph, now you.

Ok, so Im damn suspicious of Jack now... His "quitters" reason was bullshit and was just baseless for a lynch.

Lynch - Jack Ryder

You're really not helping here.
Jack is voting for asprin, whom you defended, now you vote for Jack.
It's almost a OMGUS bypass attempt.
What exactly are you trying to do here ?
If we go into night 2 , we are bound to loose at least two more townies. Should this happen we loose our 6-4 advantage. This should be obvious ...
Pretty sure "lack of activity" can be said to apply to you as well.
Lack of activity can be said to be applied by you in the last 24 hours as well (being online and not posting ) , I was asked to replace a member late day 1, since the killings of two of our power roles, I have been active.
Who did you have in mind for that
Very hard to say at the moment, asprin isn't playing normally, Yash now seems to be covering for asprin. Jack is pro getting asprin lynched. The Deadman and Simon both FOS 'ed asprin. zwarrior is undecided and you?
We need members to post in order to get clues etc.
If we go into night 2 , we are bound to loose at least two more townies. Should this happen we loose our 6-4 advantage. This should be obvious ...

[/quote]Lack of activity can be said to be applied by you in the last 24 hours as well (being online and not posting ) , I was asked to replace a member late day 1, since the killings of two of our power roles, I have been active.[/quote]

Pretty sure I made more posts in the last 24 hours than some have all game.
Besides, I'd love to be even more active, but talking to myself is kinda boring.

Very hard to say at the moment, asprin isn't playing normally, Yash now seems to be covering for asprin. Jack is pro getting asprin lynched. The Deadman and Simon both FOS 'ed asprin. zwarrior is undecided and you?
We need members to post in order to get clues etc.

So we have 5 people (you, Jack, The Deadman, Simon and me) thinking asprin is suspicious, asprin himself, 1 person defending asprin and 3 people who have said very little to nothing about asprin (or anything else for that matter).

@Fake Passport

What are your thoughts so far ?
On asprin and anything else ?
Fake Passport managed to lock his account, he should be back when mod lets him in.

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