been on and off in Battrick. currently really keeping Track of my Team now.
Recently i got rid of alot of old member and added new members to the Team.
My team may not be the best team out there.
Current position
League: VII.31 -
First Class League (P: 3 / W: 2 / D: 1) Number 1st
League: IV.59 -
One Day League ( P:3 / W: 1 / L: 2) Number 5th
League: VI.223 -
BT20 League (P: 3 / W: 3 ) Number 3
My Captain
Wolde Baksh - 21 yo, BT Rating=11,727
RH batsman .
He has respectable leadership skills.
He currently has strong batting form.
Stamina: respectable
Wicket Keeping: competent
Batting: respectable
Concentration: competent
Consistency: competent
Fielding: woeful
Sol Angelo - 34 yo, BT Rating=13,937.
LFM bowler superb bowling form..
Stamina: feeble
Batting: abysmal
Fielding: proficient
Horace Balkissoon - 34 yo, BT Rating=4,396.
A steady RH batsman
Stamina: feeble
Batting: competent
Concentration: competent
Consistency: woeful
Fielding: competent
Bennett Braam - 17 yo, BT Rating=2,907.
A steady RH batsman
Stamina: mediocre
Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: mediocre
Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: worthless
Consistency: abysmal
Fielding: abysmal
Omar Constable - 34 yo, BT Rating=5,372,
Stamina: feeble
Batting: feeble
Concentration: feeble
Bowling: mediocre
Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: feeble
Raymond Elvin - 34 yo, BT Rating=4,380,
RM bowler.
Stamina: feeble
Batting: abysmal
Concentration: feeble
Bowling: mediocre
Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: mediocre
Sam Evett - 20 yo, BT Rating=5,174,
LF bowler.
Stamina: woeful
Batting: woeful
Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: respectable
Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: woeful
Onandi Ganouri - 17 yo, BT Rating=2,386,
RH batsman
Stamina: woeful
Batting: competent
Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: worthless
Consistency: worthless
Fielding: worthless
Philip Hallett - 20 yo, BT Rating=22,734,
RH batsman
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: remarkable Concentration: proficient
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: abysmal
Fielding: feeble
Fitz Hawes - 18 yo, BT Rating=3,843,
RFM bowler.
Stamina: feeble
Batting: worthless
Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: competent
Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: woeful
Will Needham - 20 yo, BT Rating=3,347,
LH batsman
Stamina: worthless
Batting: competent
Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: worthless
Consistency: abysmal
Fielding: worthless
Earl Nyikadzino - 21 yo, BT Rating=5,789,
RH batsman
Stamina: respectable
Batting: competent
Concentration: feeble
Bowling: abysmal
Consistency: woeful
Fielding: woeful
Aidan Purkiss - 17 yo, BT Rating=5,803,
LH batsman
Stamina: worthless
Batting: competent
Concentration: respectable
Bowling: mediocre
Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: worthless
Tel Roberts - 34 yo, BT Rating=8,786,
RH finger spin bowler..
Stamina: proficient
Batting: woeful
Concentration: feeble
Bowling: mediocre
Consistency: competent
Fielding: woeful
Rory Salmon - 17 yo, BT Rating=4,104,
RH batsman
Stamina: competent
Batting: mediocre
Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: abysmal
Consistency: worthless
Fielding: woeful
Shevron Savariau - 34 yo, BT Rating=8,639,
RH batsman
Stamina: feeble
Wicket Keeping: respectable
Batting: mediocre
Concentration: competent
Bowling: abysmal
Consistency: respectable
Fielding: woeful
Sulieman Speight - 21 yo, BT Rating=7,548,
RM bowler.
Stamina: competent
Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: woeful
Concentration: feeble
Bowling: respectable
Consistency: competent
Fielding: woeful
Conor Whalley - 34 yo, BT Rating=5,698,
RH batsman
Stamina: feeble
Batting: mediocre
Concentration: competent
Bowling: woeful
Consistency: competent
Fielding: woeful
Musharaf Zahra - 20 yo, BT Rating=4,423,
A destructive RH batsman
Stamina: feeble Wicket Keeping: feeble
Batting: mediocre Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: worthless Consistency: feeble
Fielding: competent