Well I am totally new to this page, but as a posting user, not as a reader. I have been following this forum from quite some time. And wanted to add my Wishlist to start with.. Well here it goes,
I really love the game AC09 and have been playing it from like 3 years. Well I must say, graphically the game has a higher position, as compared to previous versions, no doubt. What concerns me is, The features. Don't understand why the developers have cut through some things. Maybe the heavy game issue or maybe the codes getting way to complex or anything else. Anyway, I would really appreciate if these were fulfilled. (As my right as a wisher I can expect that),
1. Batting:
As a hardcore gamer of cricket, what I would really want to see in it is the reality of some situations. Say, Batting forms. It really can alter the game, when u seek a challenge of winning the game with out-of-form batsman. Able to hit sixes on almost every delivery sure is fun, but for how long? 1 match, 2...maybe 50.. but after that, it's all lame. I feel sorry for the computer. Online sure is fun, but later on that. Challenge is what makes us play the game for ages and never get bored of it. Oh, yeah. Now that I have mentioned, how about extending the challenges of the game to Vintage matches. (as in BL99) It really savors the fun of cricket to another level. I am, like 90%, a big fan of cricket and batting, which involves challenges. Also, I really hate the weird shot the batsman take when he charges down the pitch. Obviously not the weird when seen in a normal view. The replay is what makes it look weird.
Batsman charging up down the pitch, like Matt Hayden used to do, was sure fun to watch, and even more AWESOME if we are able to do it in the time we sit idle when we have selected the shot.
Well fielding is a major drawback of AC09, I must say. Infact, I haven't found a game yet with good fielding controls, which give the user a maximum control of the things going around. I really enjoy Bowling and tactically setting up the field and wait for batsman to commit a mistake.
a. Most importantly I'd like
to alter the position of the keeper accordingly. Like for a medium fast bowler eg: Shane Watson, would like the keeper to stand right behind the stumps for a particular delivery and then stand further back for next pacey delivery. Or maybe stand on the right side of the stumps to catch the sweep shots.
b. Also, the outfielders really lack commitment, in cricketing words. I mean, they really don't seem like enjoying fielding, even the best of them. Like, dives for stopping the ball to touch the boundary, 2 players striding one picking up n the other one throwing it, really give a feel of tight fielding attack if given a new batsman, an out-of-form batsman, a tailender and even in an attacking field set-up.
c. graphical changes: Can the fielders run like they actually want to stop boundary? That would really joy me up if they surprise me. Also, li'l things like, captain having a talk with vice-captain-wicket keeper or the bowler.
Well, most boring part of AC09, is the commentary that is as old as sachin's first bat. I mean, I am not saying, devote money on that, just some new script, maybe new commentators, talking about new cricketing stuffs, even discussing about one of the players playing in the field would be a real class thing to add. I don't thing that would require any mass changes in ur already ready codes. Eg: like some players, take Sachin, maybe some cool stuffs about him while he is on the pitch. I know, you have some stuffs about Bradman, Warne and West Indies old team, but ch'mon, they all are legends, but not playing anymore. Anyway, suggestion, more like a wish.
a. What i hated the most was, No rewards as such. Ya' know lil rewards like Man of the match or tournament really cheers up the player that his 30 minutes of hardwork concentrated on a player paid off, or the man he wanted to win the match has been rewarded. It's like a pat on the gamer's shoulder.
b. then comes the Stats. Oh wait, I'll have a different heading for it. Lets make the "b" point as
weather. I don't know why didn't u guys added weather importance in the game, but Weather really is above the graphics. It defines the start of the game. The Pitch again disappointed me. I want to see
pitches actually playing part in the game as EA07 (Sorry, not a comparison but EA07 was partially a benchmark by EA after EA04, the best ever cricket game.)
c. Heights and Physique of the players. Like EA04, it was so fun to bowl Sachin by McGrath. I could actually enjoy the benefits of the bounce I used to get from the taller bowler. And, slow run outs os hefty Inzamam Ul Haq (No offense meant).
Yeah, MOst important part,
I really really really really want to see a wider range of stats. Obviously, since many forum members have mentioned the Career MOde n Tour Mode, mine is a lil bit ahead and asking u to include the Stats in every mode. Be it any series or any tournament, Stats of individual performances of the player throughout the Tournament/series, with graphs and team charts.
Last and most imp from STATS, Rankings. We would love to catch the latest rankings of the team, and not just for the particular tournament/series, but throughout the gameplay. As we have 5 slots to save our game, n we can play 5 series simultaneously, the rankings should be affected by it. n NOT just team rankings, but the Bowler, Batsman, and Allrounders (each for tests, t20 n one-day) would so boosting to have and surely can increase my or maybe most of the gamer's gameplay.
Too Long. I know, but wishes are mostly long. Please leave comments if u manage to survive through the post.

Really enjoyed reading @Biggs, @Dutchad