Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

tutsipoppy2 said:
This is the last time i'm asking......to those who r intrested in my patch.............

Tommorow i'm gonna release my v2.1 patch which will have 2 sets to configs.......

1 for Batting and 1 for Bowling.............

The batting configs will have bigger cursor which will make cpu bowl at varied line and lengths.

The bowling configs will be having normal cursor size so tht u can bowl normally.

If anybody has any serious bugs or anything which needs to be fixed....just post it here by tonight.

Word Life

please make batting harder :D :D
On hard level ,Australia collapsed to 56 all out. I found the inswinging yorkers from simon jones impossible to defend and was either lbw or bowled. I then bowled england out for 230. This time Shane warne wasnt as successful. I was getting desperate and brought Hayden on . With a medium pace bowler if you bowl short and at a slow speed the ball keeps low and the batsmen sometimes miss the ball when defending and get bowled. Quite a few batsmen played a back foot defensive shot to a short pitched ball which kept low and had them bowled underneath their bats.
I know this happens with spinners on a damp pitch but I hadnt seen this before on a green top. Otherwise the patch is playing quite well. The CPU does tend to get out after reaching 50 though . Vaughn hit a sedate 50 of 100 balls and then immediately after reaching 50 hit the ball in the air. So if you spread the field out after the batsmen reaches 50 you have a good chance of getting them out.
hi ashwinkm.
how come jones can bowl inswinging yorkers?? is it one of the special deliveries??
gambino said:
so when u gonna release it tutsi?
its been 2 days now

i'll release it in a day or 2.

ashwinkm said:
On hard level ,Australia collapsed to 56 all out. I found the inswinging yorkers from simon jones impossible to defend and was either lbw or bowled. I then bowled england out for 230. This time Shane warne wasnt as successful. I was getting desperate and brought Hayden on . With a medium pace bowler if you bowl short and at a slow speed the ball keeps low and the batsmen sometimes miss the ball when defending and get bowled. Quite a few batsmen played a back foot defensive shot to a short pitched ball which kept low and had them bowled underneath their bats.
I know this happens with spinners on a damp pitch but I hadnt seen this before on a green top. Otherwise the patch is playing quite well. The CPU does tend to get out after reaching 50 though . Vaughn hit a sedate 50 of 100 balls and then immediately after reaching 50 hit the ball in the air. So if you spread the field out after the batsmen reaches 50 you have a good chance of getting them out.

HARD level is HARD MAN. And on a Green Wicket...........bowlers's paradise and batsman's nightmare. Keep practising defending the ball to get the timing right.

The ball keeping low is BUG in the game and cannot be fixed by A.I. editing, u'll find this bug playing wth other a.i. patches too.

Different batsman play differently, some go after the bowling after 50....some want bigger milestones so they play cautiously till the end.
Please help me ai patching


I am from india. I am inspired by your patch. I am writing a patch, for personal use. I want to know how to control the height to which a ball can rise in the game. For example when the i play a cover drive of back foot, very early the ball rises high. I want to control it so that it keeps low. which of the following parameters should i modify:

PowerArea :help
a47 said:
hi ashwinkm.
how come jones can bowl inswinging yorkers?? is it one of the special deliveries??

It was one of the special deliveries. Most of the england bowlers seem to have a yorker as a special delivery.
I am now playing the second innings and Australia are 202/1 with Ponting on 89 and Langer on 87. I have not had as many yorkers this time around and the few that did come down were defended safely. Aus have a total of 468 to chase so it is still quite a tough uphill task!
i'm using tutsi's patch 2.0 only question i have is it seems impossible to get the cpu bowled or lbw with fast bowlers... any suggestions?
souljah said:
i'm using tutsi's patch 2.0 only question i have is it seems impossible to get the cpu bowled or lbw with fast bowlers... any suggestions?
I have been playing with the patch. It is possible to get the cpu bowled with the fast bowlers especially if you bowl very fast and have the ball cutting in or swinging in. Once the batsman is set they tend to play drives, or try to loft the ball.
I am now 289/5 chasing englands total in the 4th innings. Ponting hit a century and got out, langer was out in the 90s and martyn was out first ball . Clarke was lbw to butcher who has taken 4 wickets.
Gilchrist and lehman are now batting . Looks like an impossible task as they are the last recognized pair and there are still more than 180 runs to get.
Hey tutsi, I just downloaded your patch and played Australia (me) vs Sri-Lanka. I was playing on a hard pitch and decided to bowl for 35 overs then bat for 15 and see how it went. I thought with your patch their might have been a few edges to the keeper or slips in the early stages of the game. I didn't get one until Attapattu's confidence was about half full (around 15 overs into the game) I was bowling outswingers on offstump. I ended up bowling 35 overs for 74/4 with Mcgrath getting 2 and lee and gillespie taking 1 each (I stoped a bit early because Sameraweera faced 67 balls for 0 runs and was getting a bit sick of watching him block)

I then batted and found it really fun. The shots have been enhanced to perfection and the power shots actually look real. I scored 124/4 in 9 overs but my only probelm was the speed of the outfeild, It made nearly every good shot a 4. Perhaps you could slow it down a little? just to make it look more realistic.

So overall my only two problems with this patch were the amount of edges and how many 4's I hit. This though, is definately the best patch I have downloaded yet.

Tomorow I might try a test on a green pitch and see if I get more edges.
Tutsi, I agree with cricket_60.

You have made the game much more enjoyable to play and i love it that you can now hit it between fielders in odi's but every shot that does pierce the field goes to the boundary. if this could be tweaked so that sometimes the ball would stop short of the rope then this would allow us to pick up twos and maybe threes.

P.S When is your patch comming out looking forward to it.

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