Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

Hero said:
Tutsi,overall your patch is superb.I love more swing and speed and leads towards more fun.Tutsi,can you make pull shot bit easier?Also donot forget to check the issue that cpu often leaving full deliviries.

ya, the thing is, cpu hardly bowls shot balls....so u are not used to playing pull/hook shots, u have to wait for the correct line....mostly likely a short pitched ball from a medium bowler can u hooked/pulled nicely.

maybe 1.2, u'll find playing the shot easy.

also, the problem where the batsman leaves full deliveries DOES NOT happens wth me, but i've tweaked the value which may cause this wth some people. since his doesnt happens wth me so i cant say if this has been fixed. so u'll have to play with the upcomming 1.2 patch let me know if it got fixed.

Rahul said:
hey tutsi plzzz fix 2 issues...playing the ball to square leg get caught too often at square leg...secondly i take a leg stump guard to play some off side shots...any ball on off stump i dend but miss the line completely...always getting bowled...plzzz fix that

ok...the square le shot has been fixed.

hmm, well the thing is tht u'll have to play wth the patch more and get used to it. but i have made batting easy in 1.2 so u wont get bowled too many times wth 12 ;)
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Can u make the AI bowl more bouncers then, especially on hard pitches
Coopa said:
Can u make the AI bowl more bouncers then, especially on hard pitches

there r no values which determine how cpu bowls(what line n length).

so the bowling of cpu must depend upon some of the batting values.

so, its just trial n error thing.
Hi Tutsi,
Can u do me a favour.I want that u should make a patch in which we dont have any difficulty to play any shot for example as we play the hook shot,the bat touches the ball less times but now u should make a patch that everyshot in every ball can be played.Can u make one of your patch like this so that those who want to play the game easy they can play it.
Tutsi, i've played 3 backfoot cut shots and all 3 have gone through the legside, which is a bit strange, not sure if anyone else has had a similar problem.
I cant wait till 1.2 it sounds like the game is going to be more fun because if batting is easier than you can up the game to high wich makes everything else harder so it should even things out :-)
"Originally Posted by groobz

It seems during the middle overs against spinners its really hard to score. "............,

Funny thing, I have SA at 98 for 5 after 20 overs.
I put a spinner on at about over 15, and they can't get him away very well.
Pacing them self's as they're 5 down maybe? :cool:
Or is this somehow related to when batting as well, I

Tutsi......are you editing Bowling as well as strokes, or
are the bowling effects just by products of stroke editing?
sunnykinger said:
Hi Tutsi,
Can u do me a favour.I want that u should make a patch in which we dont have any difficulty to play any shot for example as we play the hook shot,the bat touches the ball less times but now u should make a patch that everyshot in every ball can be played.Can u make one of your patch like this so that those who want to play the game easy they can play it.

hi, well wth 1.2 i have made batting easy so that u can score in all directions. i'm sure u'll get the hang of it and will enjoy batting.

groobz said:
Tutsi, i've played 3 backfoot cut shots and all 3 have gone through the legside, which is a bit strange, not sure if anyone else has had a similar problem.


In Swinger said:
"Originally Posted by groobz

It seems during the middle overs against spinners its really hard to score. "............,

Funny thing, I have SA at 98 for 5 after 20 overs.
I put a spinner on at about over 15, and they can't get him away very well.
Pacing them self's as they're 5 down maybe? :cool:
Or is this somehow related to when batting as well, I

Tutsi......are you editing Bowling as well as strokes, or
are the bowling effects just by products of stroke editing?

i've editing everything from bowling to batting.

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