Update Later Today

For those talking of price - how many of those comparative sports games have the same support after the sale as we do with our games?

People will always have their own opinion on price I guess. At the end of the day you set what you think is fair for the product you've created.

For me, it's "how many cricket games are this good?"

Answer - none even with the minor flaws the game had on release. Everything you've done after that has added value to a price I was already more than happy to pay for a superior product.

A $50 game is cheap in australia but looks expensive overseas - you always have to factor in the Australia Tax which is seemingly applied to every item. It's why I don't buy games locally, preferring to import them at usually half the cost. For example, I imported the PS3 version of DBC from the UK for about $50 landed, as opposed to the $100 that EB charges for it even if you can find it in stock anywhere.

Hopefully the developer doesn't lose out through this practice but I hate being ripped off.
Yep, we lose out on grey imports big time.
Has DBC's price dropped in the slightest or seen a week special like many of those games? no

BAS don't do "sales". This is standard across all of their games.

but $50 is what I would expect to pay for a console game which is a couple of months old, not a PC game.

Honestly, that's a personal value you've placed on games. Not a market value. There's plenty of titles in the same price-range and all of the "cheaper" ones are made by massive studios that have already made profit, so it's being discounted after the fashion. Almost all major titles make their money back in a few months (or less) these days. The price then drops to capture the lower-end markets and so on. You're not going to see a massive price-reduction on DBC14 for a long time, if ever, because it's not a mass-market product. It's a niche global sport with a limited customer fan base which, an even smaller amount will buy it for PC. Honestly, I think it's an incredible deal if you have a PC (or Mac) that can run the game and the after-sales support on PC is worth the price alone, in my opinion. The game has it's faults but they're disappearing month by month as the game evolves and the cool thing is these guys we interact with here are as bigger fans of the game of cricket as we are, so we're going to continue to get that support for as long as they have the resources to do so. I doubt they're making billions of dollars out of turning up to PlanetCricket every day to seek out new ideas and ways to make the game better - that's why the price is what it is - we're as much paying for their continued dedication and support of the title as we are paying for a game to play... whether you value that as part of the cost, is up to you I guess.

You just don't get that with an EA title.
How long to you play an average AAA game for?

Dishonored was great and I played it for about 30 hours, and I thought that was an ok deal for £30. I've logged about 10 times as long in DBC already and I'm still getting the hang of it.
How long to you play an average AAA game for?

Dishonored was great and I played it for about 30 hours, and I thought that was an ok deal for £30. I've logged about 10 times as long in DBC already and I'm still getting the hang of it.

It'd depend on the game, surely. You can put 50-60 hours into something like Mass Effect/Dragon Age, while Wolfenstein: The New Order will get you 12-16 hours per playthrough depending on difficulty. All three are AAA releases though.

Whereas something like Star Citizen, Elite: Dangerous, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, League of Legends, DOTA 2, Starcraft 2 ... see ya 200-300-400 hours+ (while still getting to grips with everything)

Actually, throw Project CARS and Assetto Corsa in that list too.
Yes, um, anyway, GREAT UPDATE!!!! (Have I mentioned that enough).

I know people have different financial circumstances, but the latest PC update means this game is worth every cent.
How long to you play an average AAA game for?

I still bust out Assassin's Creed II and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and they're the only two games I've ever gone for the 100% completion on... and I paid about $120 for both on PC for the special editions. So I got more than my moneys worth because they're still two of the best games I've ever played. DBC will prolly eclipse both of them, combined paying time... so relatively speaking I got a bargain with DBC.
Yep, we lose out on grey imports big time.

Sorry about that Chief, but until there's a good reason for me to fork out twice as much as I need to, I won't. You still get a return when it's sold overseas though, right?

ETA: maybe I'll take this elsewhere.
Ummm I dont know where you're looking or whether the prices you mention are in Singapore $, but:

Civ V Beyond Earth is $49.99, not $89.99 - This after you could get ALL the CIV5 games on sale for $29.99 a week ago. Has DBC's price dropped in the slightest or seen a week special like many of those games? no

Metro Redux is a 2 game Bundle for $49.89

The Witcher 3 - $53.99 and this game will only be released in Feb 2015

Most of the elevated prices you mentioned are for Gold or Special Editions and many of those prices are for games not even released yet...so thats not even a fair comparison. The Special Edition of DBC is available here in South Africa to the equivalent US$70.00, so there's that.

Perhaps its just been too long since I played PC games, but $50 is what I would expect to pay for a console game which is a couple of months old, not a PC game.

I'm at looking at those prices in Australian dollars on the Australian steam page. That is the context that Don Bradman's price is in my region, and from what I gathered from Big Ant's comments, if they drop the price in India (and some other areas), they'd have to drop the Australian price which is more than reasonable to the region.

For those talking of price - how many of those comparative sports games have the same support after the sale as we do with our games?

Buying FIFA makes me feel so dirty and I wake up screaming, then ashamed that I'd actually give EA money...

But serious, only Football Manager, which is quite frankly brilliant (and their Big Boss is quite happy to come on his forums too and discuss things from what I remember, or at least he used to).

You mentioned something about not being able to separate the Australian price from other regions, which regions are these exactly?
I think Fifa & Tiger Woods might be the only games that have more hours played than DBC14 over the yrs. And if u think of it those games have been out since the late 90's.

DBC14 is not far behind on hrs and catching up so fast with dust building daily on those other sport titles.

Haha come to think of it I think most of us on here has visited Planet Cricket more than any Porn site growing up. I know I have.
1st time when everyday every 5 min just to hear or read more or for that 1st glimpse of a screen shot. Then we got that........
Then everyday every 5 min like a troll just for the game play video.

And so BigAnt started taking over our lives with lots of die heart cricket gamers losing their eye sight, their social lives, their wives & girlfriends and some their jobs lol.

Do we hate them for that? Fcuk No.....

I'm 34 yrs old and I've been waiting for a decent cricket game my whole life. Now its here close to perfect with unparalleled support.

So if they had to double their price we all know we would still buy it.

Happy gaming Peeps!
Sorry about that Chief, but until there's a good reason for me to fork out twice as much as I need to, I won't. You still get a return when it's sold overseas though, right?

Oh yeah they'll still get the same return as if I ordered it from say, amazon.co.uk, as what happens to it after is irrelevant as it counts as a UK sale. That said however, they lose out because you havent made a purchase from your own localised market, because all of their pricing takes into account the cost of making it available to you.
I think Fifa & Tiger Woods might be the only games that have more hours played than DBC14 over the yrs. And if u think of it those games have been out since the late 90's.

DBC14 is not far behind on hrs and catching up so fast with dust building daily on those other sport titles.

Haha come to think of it I think most of us on here has visited Planet Cricket more than any Porn site growing up. I know I have.
1st time when everyday every 5 min just to hear or read more or for that 1st glimpse of a screen shot. Then we got that........
Then everyday every 5 min like a troll just for the game play video.

And so BigAnt started taking over our lives with lots of die heart cricket gamers losing their eye sight, their social lives, their wives & girlfriends and some their jobs lol.

Do we hate them for that? Fcuk No.....

I'm 34 yrs old and I've been waiting for a decent cricket game my whole life. Now its here close to perfect with unparalleled support.

So if they had to double their price we all know we would still buy it.

Happy gaming Peeps!

Haha totally the same mate. I've been wanting a cricket game with a decent career mode for years, so when I first heard about DBC14 I was convinced this was the game for me! :D

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