Update Later Today

How long to you play an average AAA game for?

Dishonored was great and I played it for about 30 hours, and I thought that was an ok deal for £30. I've logged about 10 times as long in DBC already and I'm still getting the hang of it.
DBC14 - 105 hours (currently) at R800 (about $70 as I got the controller and wanted the box that mentions my favorite gaming site)
GTAV - 82 hours on SP, 75 hours on MP at R700 (about $65 at the time)
Skyrim - 120 hours at R500

Just some games... so DBC's doing well on a money to time ratio, and it'll just get better.
Tried a few games last night with the new patch and must say it really improves the experience and batting has the right feel to it now and realism increased. The only shot I never got to try last night was the cut shot but I take it is fixed too?

Big thanks and Hats off to BA as yet again they have supported and improved this title and it looks like more improvements to come too, so happy days!!
Tried a few games last night with the new patch and must say it really improves the experience and batting has the right feel to it now and realism increased. The only shot I never got to try last night was the cut shot but I take it is fixed too?

Big thanks and Hats off to BA as yet again they have supported and improved this title and it looks like more improvements to come too, so happy days!!
It's been fixed.
I think Fifa & Tiger Woods might be the only games that have more hours played than DBC14 over the yrs. And if u think of it those games have been out since the late 90's.

DBC14 is not far behind on hrs and catching up so fast with dust building daily on those other sport titles.

If you look at the statistics, DBC is an INCREDIBLY sticky game. The amount of users vs how many hours played (it's over 65,000 hours now) is really, really high.

If you compare the price to how many hours people are getting out of the game, I'd say it was incredible value.
If you look at the statistics, DBC is an INCREDIBLY sticky game. The amount of users vs how many hours played (it's over 65,000 hours now) is really, really high.

If you compare the price to how many hours people are getting out of the game, I'd say it was incredible value.
Yea ive spent 200 plus hours on dbc pc version since i bought it,about 100 hours on xbox version also.Mrs arrow is over the moon.;)
Batted with new new update for the first time last night, bowler bowled in inswinger, I intended to defend but accidentally drove it straight, thought C&B BUT NO the ball absolutely screamed along the deck between the bowler and mid on for a glorious four. The bowler didn't flinch and mid on gave a despairing dive.

I could have cried.
Loving the new patch and just wanted to add that I have both the pc version and the ps3 version (which obviously with the PC version I no longer play ) and I don't resent paying a penny. This is the cricket game I've wanted ever since howzat on the acorn electron and I hope to see many more iterations or dlc's from bigant to make it even better so I don't mind paying towards making it a success.
If you look at the statistics, DBC is an INCREDIBLY sticky game. The amount of users vs how many hours played (it's over 65,000 hours now) is really, really high.

If you compare the price to how many hours people are getting out of the game, I'd say it was incredible value.

And that's the only reason I did not mind the price of the game as I knew that this will be a game I will be spending majority of the time with...:D
Will actually be really interesting to see those median lists that come out during Steam Sales and the like, when users compile the most popular games on Steam and the monetary value you get (dollar per hour).

Games like Skyrim and sandboxes like Starbound/Kerbal Space Program tend to do really well because people dump hundreds and hundreds of hours into them. Would love to see how DBC 14 stacks up. I know I've put over 120 hours into the game myself since release and it's my job to play lots of different games. And yet I'm still finding as much time as I can for another 5, 10 or 20 hours here and there.
So I played around 40-50 minutes yesterday and without doubt batting seems more enjoyable now. The fielders are alert too so I'm forced to watch the fielder a bit longer before deciding to go for the single/twos. The unfortunate part is that I'm currently in a T20 tournament (about midway through it) in my career and I just can't wait to try out a 4-day game as I love grinding it out in the middle. Very tempted to keep forfeiting each match until the tournament gets over :)

Huge props to the BA team. You guys are absolutely amazing with your after sales support :thumbs

it's my job to play lots of different games

Isn't that the best job ever?
Thanks Bigant, DBC14 is turning into a GEM of a game, love seeing the wicketkeeper watch the ball go between him and first slip.

The thing I don't love is the outfield is a little slow but the rest is amazing, still a challenging game with best of 89 not out on pro so far.:clap:cheers:D
The thing is with sports games is if you love the sport and the game is decent, you can rack up years and years of play.

If you're a cricket fan, especially if you're someone who has played, DBC ought to keep you occupied for fcking ages now a lot of the niggles are fixed.
Only played a few games online so far but thought id give my limited opinion. There's a few new bugs that i haven't had before the update like getting bowled on one users screen but not on the other users. Had one where a perfect front foot defencive shot ball went forward then zipped back onto my stumps. Seems a little more stable online however. So far when bowling i feel that i'm just waiting for batter error for wickets instead of getting them out myself if you know what i mean. i'm getting wickets through them losing patience and swinging. Don't get me wrong i like the update i guess it will take time for me to get used to. Had a belter of a match last night with Madman 30 over in day test match he set me 250 to win off 31 overs went down to the final over in the 5th day i fell 22 short. Moments like this no other cricket game has managed to nail down! Nail biting finishes are a plenty on this game! Love it! Thank you everyone at BA for the continued support for the game! :thumbs

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