AFL 2006

Great to see a Sydney home-victory; Geelong definitely weren't at their best and thus weren't able to take a dominant advantage over the Swans early on. The Cats just couldn't group their creative and constructive play often enough, and as a result, Sydney pounced with a pretty good performance.
Sman-21 said:
West Coasts forward line is crap.
Its the midfield and defenders that win all the games for the eagles.
Same can be said for geelong but its mostly there backline and the run through the midfield that they provide that wins games for them.

Sampi unreliable
Hansen has potential but still abit raw.
Lynch piss weak built like a truck but cant mark anything with a defender even near him (bring back troy wilson).
Seaby ha
Graham haha
Staker is useful but doesnt know where to play.
Judd doesnt do much in forward line he gets his goals as a midfielder.
Hunter is the eagles best hope playing as a full forward,he knows when and where to lead to plus can take pack marks.
Big Cox is handy down their also but like Hunter its not his main position.

If the eagles forward line is average Fremantles forward line must be a super star forward line.
I would love for you to do a summary like that on the cats :p im looking for an argument :rolleyes:

lol. judd. what a champion. too bad i didnt pick him for my dream team this year :mad

:eek: my tipping has gone out the window this year! i have 17 so far b4 this round and 2 out 4 so far this round
geelong were way below their best last night

poor Brent Prismall broke his arm 10-minutes into his debut...what rotten luck
That is absolutely the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.
The Docker's were robbed :mad

There was around 2 seconds left on the clock on the ball up but the umpire lets the play go on :mad

I hope the AFL give the points to Freo
Cricket_60 said:
The Docker's were robbed :mad

There was around 2 seconds left on the clock on the ball up but the umpire lets the play go on :mad

I hope the AFL give the points to Freo
The siren went after the umpire had blown time off, that can't happen so pretty much everyone concerned ****ed up. I don't think the AFL should be interfering, the game ends when one of the three field umpires signals as such and while it's an absolute farce I don't think it should be reversed.
The least they could do is intall another siren so we can hear it next time
What an absolute load of crap that result had better not stand.
Even if the siren went at the wrong time there was only about 1 second left meaning as soon as the ball was bounced it should have been game over, the baker kick was almost 10seconds after.

Im a west aussie so only really know those teams well.
So cant say much about geelong.
All they have is a super backline 2 decent midfielders and no forwards.
Kingsley should be a player capable to get 2-3 goals every single game, but for some reason he kicks a bag then doesnt kick anymore for the month.
Ottens hahaha what a joke, has never done a thing down forward finally the cats moved him into ruck where he will atleast do something.
G Ablett overrated due to his name and being a victorian but has plenty of skill and is a good forward.

West aussie media is so biased towards the eagles and are constantly trying to hold fremantle down and undermine them.
Medhurst/Farmer are as skillful as Sampie but as soon as the fremantle guys dont get goals, theres a million stories about how their out of form should be dropped, too inconsistent etc.
Where as you never see any stories like that about Sampie even if he doesnt touch the ball all game.
that was disgraceful!

Freo were robbed big time lol

S-man what the hell would you know about geelong?? victorian team by far...and maybe best in the AFL...we'll be back. Kingsley wasnt even playing he's injured.
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Sman-21 said:
Where as you never see any stories like that about Sampie even if he doesnt touch the ball all game.

lol he didn't against the Kanga's. 87 minutes on the ground and not one possession :)

Last night he played crap as well
Sman-21 said:
West aussie media is so biased towards the eagles and are constantly trying to hold fremantle down and undermine them.
Medhurst/Farmer are as skillful as Sampie but as soon as the fremantle guys dont get goals, theres a million stories about how their out of form should be dropped, too inconsistent etc.
Where as you never see any stories like that about Sampie even if he doesnt touch the ball all game.
Yes, damn those Eagles performing consistently :rolleyes:

Perhaps it's got something to do with the fact that Sampi isn't a complete dickhead and plays for the team occasionally, you generally do get the media on your back if you're an arrogant tool like Medhurst and Farmer are.



10.4.1 End of Quarter
The Timekeepers shall sound the siren to signal the end of a quarter until a field Umpire acknowledges that the siren has been heard and brings play to an end.

10.4.2 Siren Heard by Field Umpire
Play in each quarter shall come to an end when any one of the field Umpires hears the siren.

10.4.3 Signal
A field Umpire shall signal that he or she has heard the siren by blowing a whistle and holding both arms above his or her head. If immediately before hearing the siren, a field Umpire is of the opinion that a Player should be awarded a Free Kick or a Mark, the field Umpire shall signal that play has come to an end and then award the Free Kick or Mark to the Player.

Blame the timekeeper
No its coz the media is full of ex eagles/die hard eagles fans and channel 7 also are a sponsor of the eagles.

Even the victorians say fremantle get a rough deal with all the negative publicity they get from the west aussie media.
They just constantly try to undermine our players and coach anything to put more pressure on them all and make them drop good players to weaken the team.

Medhurst has just as much talent as Sampie, has been getting alot more of the ball than sampie and also set up more goals.
Ofcourse they cant put a bad story on about sampie though.
Both teams have talent, the eagles (woosha) use it a lot better. Farmer has really matured in the past few years and is playing for the team more and more. Sampi will do that eventually as well.

Docker's have launched an official complaint against the outcome. Apparently the siren can be heard on a tape recoreded at the game as soon as the ball is bounced.
Cricket_60 said:
Both teams have talent, the eagles (woosha) use it a lot better.
Which is why they deserve what they're getting, nobody can say they're not underachieving with the list that they have.

Cricket_60 said:
Docker's have launched an official complaint against the outcome. Apparently the siren can be heard on a tape recoreded at the game as soon as the ball is bounced.

By the book it shouldn't matter, the umpires didn't hear it and they're the ones responsible for ending play- and if the siren was heard as the ball was bounced why were all the Freo players celebrating well before that?

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