Batting and Bowling Nets now available in the Cricket Academy

Right, managed to get my dog of a PC to run the bowling, albeit at low settings on everything :D

First thoughts were ALL good. This is definitely the best bowling control system I've played on a cricket game. There was a genuine, visible difference between deliveries, both with spinners and pace bowlers (something that wasn't always the case with DB14). Ideal!

The best thing about bowling in DBC14 (imho) was that it really did feel like if you lost concentration you could easily slide one down leg and ruin a good over. So combining the above with this is great!

Only negative thought I've got (well, it's not really negative as such) is the hope/worry that this new system will be combined with real differences between pitch types. If there's a real change in feel between a green top in England and a dust bowl in India - and that's combined with this evolved bowling - then that'll be balls-out awesome.

Mix all this with real edges and good batting AI and I'm sold.

(I mean, I'm going to buy it anyway, but still).

Great job so far BA, can't wait to try this out in a match situation :)
Only negative thought I've got (well, it's not really negative as such) is the hope/worry that this new system will be combined with real differences between pitch types.

Well, knowing Big Ant and the fact that they have paid a lot of attention to bowling, I am pretty sure they would have put in a lot of effort to make sure that different surfaces behave very differently. Even dbc14 had it to a large extent though it was not always very visible.
Well, knowing Big Ant and the fact that they have paid a lot of attention to bowling, I am pretty sure they would have put in a lot of effort to make sure that different surfaces behave very differently. Even dbc14 had it to a large extent though it was not always very visible.
Dont forget that MattW is part of the development team as well; his lifes passion is to find a realistic and rewarding bowling experience in a cricket game. I have great confidence that we will see some brilliant improvements...
Anybody else thinking cutters are moving a bit too much? Could be the attributes of the nets bowler, but the movement is like it's from a spinner.
A short video to show a delivery at what I think is the maximal spin you can put on the ball, mainly for those who haven't had a chance to play/see the latest beta (1080p/60fps);
thanks, very good in hd ^^
Dont forget that MattW is part of the development team as well; his lifes passion is to find a realistic and rewarding bowling experience in a cricket game. I have great confidence that we will see some brilliant improvements...

I'm hoping Matt does the same for batting!
The bowling is fantastic, and feels a lot better than 14.

The batting is a problem for me though. It's probably been said elsewhere on the forums but I have a number of issues.

>Feels very similar to 14.
>Very hard to read length - playing on the front foot doesn't penalise whereas back foot seemingly always does.
>Transitional animations between stance and shot are super jerky. Foot movement is jerky.
>Drives seem to stray to mid on even when not directed there (my controller?)

Otherwise, looking forward to further updates.
A few observations/ideas;

Does half pressing RT still do anything? It seems to put less power than normal strokes but doesn't use the block animations like it did in 14. Is this input identical to using the RB precision shots?

RT + down on RAS does a block which has no real use - the ball often ends up just being played onto your stumps. This could be used either for a dead bat block or a leave as someone else suggested.

LT + RB could be used for Precision lofted shots e.g. lifting the ball over the slips, chipping over the infield. Currently all lofted shots seem like risky six hits/slogs.

RT + RB could be a kind of shot which angles the bat face to redirect it using the pace on the ball, or just RT on its own if RAS is flicked at a fine angle on either side.

A few other combinations are also unused, but I'm not sure what I'd assign them to;
RT + LB (another candidate for a leave?)
LT + RT + RB
LT + RT + LB

Also, with clicking RS to toggle advancing down the wicket, clicking LS could be used for something - perhaps to toggle 'quick single mode'? As soon as you make contact with the ball then both batsmen will quickly sprint to steal a single? Risky but may be necessary in limited overs games, or when trying to switch the strike.

For me the more variety in strokes available the better, so if we have button combinations available on the shoulder buttons, why not use them? May be easier for BA to add new strokes now with the new mo-cap facilities. :)
Just an idea: but the way I've read about the advance down wicket shot being initiated by the press of RAS and the batsman automatically going to the pitch of the ball (haven't played in the nets*tty laptop), well...wouldn't it be gooderer to toggle LAS (footwork control) before delivery and make it a manual approach instead of auto approach?... so in theory if you were manually advancing by controlling the batsman with LAS up and down, side to side, there would obviously be a chance of you misjudging the line and length and being stumped out of the crease.
I would like to be able to control the feet movement up to when you move RS. Then he shot animation would kick in.

Maybe the advancing shot could be 2 forward taps on LS before then playing your shot.( LS+RS)
I would like to be able to control the feet movement up to when you move RS. Then he shot animation would kick in


And in most cases when a batsman advances down the wicket, they play off the front foot too, so there wouldn't even need to be a backfoot animation. Say if you were dancing down the wicket and the spinner seen you coming and pitched it shorter, the batsman would swat it off the front foot, rather than trying to get his balance back on the backfoot. And if your advancing and the spinner seen you coming and tried to shoot it down leg or wide of off the batsman will generally get the front pad to the line of the ball to prevent it going past and getting stumped, or hit it if there quick enough. And for pace if you were to advance, you have to play off the front foot because there just wouldnt be enough time to readjust to the backfoot... and generally thats a premeditated shot anyway so maybe against pace it could be auto, but against spin it would be nice if it was a manual approach
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Hi ross, im mentioning this points after playing dbc14 for 400hours and still going very well...

1. Third umpire decision should be close enough for out and not our where in DBC 14 its always out which doesnt make interesting to watch replays coz its always out.
2. Some kind of tease from bowlers and batsmen when they get beaten or smash for six...not always but sometimes
3. Batsmen standing tall when ball hits him and commentator says he is stuggling looks unreal...player should fall down and should show the pain and intense pain when ball hits sensitive areas...below video for ball hitting batsmen watch at 45 sec, 1:02

4. Broadcast cam needs to be a bit closer so the players look more real.
5. In match summary always player batting first score to be on top.

I just try to make some points every now and then...hope they make some sense :)
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