C09 HELP: Having trouble running the game? Read here first

Good to see you back Handsome. This game does not like NVidia.
I cannot install Ashes cricket 2009 on vista

I do the follwing steps

1 Double Click on Dvd Drive

2 Click Install Ashes Cricket 2009

3 Click Allow - I trust this programme in user account control box

After a few seconds, I then get Installshield wizard box appear with

Modify, repair or remove options

I try remove all installed features or the repair option

and I get the following error message

Feature Transfer error

Error: -1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed

I have recently downloaded my graphics driver from

ATI Catalyst? Legacy Display Driver

Option 1 - Fulll Software Suite
Good to see you back Handsome. This game does not like NVidia.

Not only nVidia but also HD I reckon. But it's known news I believe that, PC version's game graphics stays on the low end. My BLIC 2007 looks better than AC 09. I am not complaining, since Transmission have done a breakthrough at the right time. Hopefully, in some years we will get our required game which should be good news for our future generations. :p
NVIDIA onboard 6150se with updated drivers.

The game crashes after 3-4 overs , the system shuts down. PSU 450 W

Your PSU is problematic I had same kind of problem few months ago.
Your PSU is problematic I had same kind of problem few months ago.

Why doesn't any other game crash then ? :doh

I use my computer for long hours , had it been PSU i would have got some problems.
Just had a freeze 3 overs into my first 2020 using the www.gamesplanet.com PC version. Not sure if it is a problem with the game or due to the countless windows I have open all the time (including a dodgy chinese video feed of the Ashes)

Time for a reboot methinks (been about a month since I did that too... no wonder its not working)
Still having problems with the game not running smoothly, have using the Nvidia thing that you are told to try in the readme. The thing is I still don't get is that it was working absolutely perfectly until it crashed and I had to shut down the computer. Ever since then its just been terribly jerky. Have posted a comment on the technical help on codemasters forums and even sent a message to their support. Have installed a new cd drive as well. But nothing working.
Hey I installed ashes today evening. It works fine,except a few problems.
When ever I start the game,the starting screen comes up and it just gets stuck there. So then I control alt delete and open control panel,and then keep clicking on the game there. Then after 3-4 minutes the game opens with the next screen. Then it works perfectly.
When I play legends mode,I have to repeat this procedure after each lesson I complete. When I play any match it works perfectly fine. I am using Nvidia 9500 GT. Can some one help me out?
Why doesn't any other game crash then ? :doh

I use my computer for long hours , had it been PSU i would have got some problems.
Then it may not be the PSU did you check CPU temps ?
NVIDIA onboard 6150se with updated drivers.

The game crashes after 3-4 overs , the system shuts down. PSU 450 W


1) In first place, 6150 SE integrated graphics isn't designed for gaming.
2) I came to know that it shares your system memory, in which case, GPU's power will be below average.
3) If it's VISTA, then your memory management is going to be even more worse.

So it's obvious. I would suggest you to go for GPU with dedicated memory! :)
i have gtx 295 graphic card and a core 2 quad processor with 2 gb ram and my operating system is windows xp yet i experience framerate lagging:mad:

vasim added 14 Minutes and 25 Seconds later...

pls give a feed back as soon as possible
i have gtx 295 graphic card and a core 2 quad processor with 2 gb ram and my operating system is windows xp yet i experience framerate lagging:mad:

vasim added 14 Minutes and 25 Seconds later...

pls give a feed back as soon as possible
You have the latest graphic card..no wonder why the problem is occuring
when i turn the crowd off d game gets smooth as as the crowds is turned on there is problem of frame rate lag.

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