CGPv7 + IRCSU(v2) Released!!!, Download Now And Enjoy...

rock_cool2003 said:
Hey Enigma Just Dont Suck Man

His Patch Is Really Crashing Everytime

On the contrary for me, I find this the best patch out there atm, I'm not trying to suck, I leave that upto the opposite sex.
This certainly is a good patch in terms of its gameplay.For me it didn't crash the game but simply hung it up twice.Hopefully the problem will be solved after analysis and of course as has been mentioned earlier the leg glance is too weak, the ball just about crawls to the fielder in the inner circle.

Hi there Boss,

I installed your patch last night and played an ODI game on medium. I bowled first and all went well, could even use autoplay with no problems. Then I started batting and after about 2 overs suddenly when selecting a shot I got an error: error in batsman.cpp with options for abort, ignore and retry.

Any ideas of how to get around this would be great.

Thanks for the good work, keep it coming.

boss said:
Important Note:

As most of our friends asking abt the tweaking of "CPU bowling-straight, leg side" kinda bowling into international standard bowling (mostly outside off). Yes!, it will be possible. But, only after we unleash the player characteristics and stats with the help of player editor. c2k5 IRCU version, not too far away. Till then we've to wait.

Boss, actually I think it is possible to get the cpu to bowl more outside the off stump. Eddie's managed to do this by making the bowling cursor very very big. It is a batting only patch, so when the cpu is bowling, the ball pitches more outside the off stump.

Can you do something similar? Because the cpu bowling too straight is my only complaint with the game. I haven't given your patch a go yet, I soon will though. :cheers
There are some serious ungrateful gits posting in here (Rock Cool and Damolee)
Give the guy a break i am sure he will rectify what needs to be done until then feel to make an AI patch yourself if your both such experts.
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Boss you should reply with a bang. Come on show us what you can do.
I am talking about crashing problem.
Replies on 26.8.2005, 8.55 p.m. IST

Thank u all for u'r wonderful replies, time and pateince. being o.o.s. for 2 days, so couldn't reply. after reading all the posts, my whole analysis is...

1. At first, there is no "CRASH" problem when u played advance down stroke (on-drive/leg glance - i think), i thought personally. As i thoroughly checked it, there is not even a single bit missing. 2 big files, perfectly made as far as am concern and i can assure that isn't the prob due to my patch, may be occured due to some other's.(not even AI).

possible solution: clean-install the game again (if possible), or just restore-the original "gob" file and install cgpv1. that should be working fine.

2. CPU bowls more on middle, and leg side - as i already mentioned, to make CPU more steadily we need to either have to edit player chars one by one or edit the exe. at present both are not possible.

possible solun: as "gold" mate refers, as by making bowling cursor larger, CPU may bowl well on "off" side. but the down side is that when we bowl, we've to be really precise, other wise have to make 2 seperate patches for batting and bowling, kinda difficult to swith on btw.

3. Few shots have less power - Not really!, it all depends on u'r timing and batting form. after u settled well in the crease u can get good power and timing. all the shots can go for fence. (don't ask me why not def shot? :D )but early on u've to survive out side off (particularly) to avoid edges/bat and bowled/mis timed shots in the air. So take u'r time in Test matches/50 overs ODIs. May be try to play more in the Medium mode early on, and after u getting good idea, go for Hard mode.

Possible solun: From next patch onwards i'll come out with sep configs for all the game modes. (test- really hard, 50 overs ODIs-hard, 20/10 overs match- medium/easy game play).

4. More Mis-Fielding: It is a in-game bug. still not figured out why it could happened, particularly with close-in fielders.

possible solun: need to get the player characteristice to edit these thinks.

These are the main difficulties u found so far in the CGPv1 and thanks for u'r effort to fig it out, and i put my possible solun with the next patch, and also welcome u'r more thoughts on that.

and finally few guys targetting me to intimidate/disconcert me. No-one down here constrain to play my patch. it's all in u'r personal interest. More over if u find nothing useful/find bugs, kindly clarify/elaborate here. Otherwise gladly get away from here, make u'r own patch (better than mine) and provide it to the public to show u'r talents. Yet don't call the day for me. am still hungry and remember this is my first attempt with this game.

possible solution (sadly): Common guys!, u know the time/effort i take to make these patches. (check the file compiled time inside the big file - around 1 a.m, 2 a.m). All am doing this in my spare time in btw my hectic biz work load. If i'll find more and more like these insults, i have to get away from here. nothing could be a more better solun. u know it's really dis-heartening. All is in u'r hands mate. (i mentioned all the above quote for the Good guys who targetting me!).

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boss said:
2. CPU bowls more on middle, and leg side - as i already mentioned, to make CPU more steadily we need to either have to edit player chars one by one or edit the exe. at present both are not possible.

possible solun: as "gold" mate refers, as by making bowling cursor larger, CPU may bowl well on "off" side. but the down side is that when we bowl, we've to be really precise, other wise have to make 2 seperate patches for batting and bowling, kinda difficult to swith on btw.

This is exactly what I mean Boss!

Eddie releases one Batting patch and one bowling patch. It might be difficult to keep switching, but it would be much more realistic.
oh yes it does, tutsi's patch had a version ,v1.2 if i'm not mistaken , which had a crash problem.
but he solved it in his next patch v2.
but thats a different matter.
boss's patch does not crash the game, i've played all the strokes which were reffered to crash the game, it works just fine.
ive had it crash twice, the error was pop-up error about visual runtimes or something witn an option to abort or retry.

Both times happend while i was bowling in a One Day match as India against Zimbabwe.
Its not the advance shots that crash it Boss,

Its Back Foot Power ->

Front Foot Power -> "down"
Has anyone ever bowled a CPU batsman out? No matter what patch I use it seems fairly impossible..I take loads of wickets caught!

If so, how did you do it?

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