Cheesesarni wins the inaugural Monty Burns Cup!

Are you interested in playing in the 2nd Edition of the Monty Burns Cup?

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yea but Lennon never had a real job. Easy to sit on your arse and philosophize while smoking ganja with Ravi Shankar. Its a different story, when you gotta work a 9-5er 5 days a week.
yea but Lennon never had a real job. Easy to sit on your arse and philosophize while smoking ganja with Ravi Shankar. Its a different story, when you gotta work a 9-5er 5 days a week.

Ah to be fair though he did have to spend many days together with Yoko Ono.:)
The first semi-final has been played. Gougie moves into the finals while amjad9 gets eliminated.

First post updated.
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i am gobsmacked to say the least.

how i was being a bad sportman i have no idea...seen as it was gougie with the custom fields. i played, tried my best, lost a few wickets as things were going on and ps3 was unattented and not paused... still managed 50 odd and gougie was 5 down
using custom fields is part of the tournament, and not being a bad sportsman. Please read the rules, if you cannot agree with them then do not play, instead of playing and then whinging about the rules after you lose.
it is part of the rules...but i thought part of playing a games console was fun

my personal opinion is i hate custom fields...simple

whats the fun about having a field set with a mid off and mid on, and then a wide long off and wide long on etc etc

it makes it VERY VERY difficult to score in the powerplay, and im sure the ICC made powerplays so batsman can score easier!!
Once again, I will reiterate that custom fields are allowed in the tournament.

Thank you for participating in season 1.

The last semi final will be played by Saturday at the latest, soon we will find out who will lift the inaugural MB CUP!
Hopefully this one can be sorted out guys in a friendly and fair way. this has been a good tournament until now and one of the few that has managed to get so far in an enjoyable atmosphere. It would be a shame to see it suddenly deterioate. C'mon guys, it's just a game and no need to fall out on it! :)

(By the way: Go cheesesarnie! Make Leftarmfast into Leftarmpast!:D)
Everything has been resolved amicably, Gougie even offered to rematch even though he won and is through to the finals!

We all have lives outside of AC09 (unfortunately) and its understandable that sometimes events will get in the way.

A minor speed bump in what has otherwise been a very gentlemanly tournament.

cannot wait for the finals,

how is this for an idea guys, the final in future editions will be a 3 match series. Would love some feedback
Everything has been resolved amicably, Gougie even offered to rematch even though he won and is through to the finals!

We all have lives outside of AC09 (unfortunately) and its understandable that sometimes events will get in the way.

A minor speed bump in what has otherwise been a very gentlemanly tournament.

cannot wait for the finals,

how is this for an idea guys, the final in future editions will be a 3 match series. Would love some feedback

That is truly good to hear! Well done guys! :)

For what it is worth I would like to see a three match tournament to decide the final as it gives perhaps a truer reflection of who is the stronger and more deserving winner and not just a one off. But I am not even taking part so who cares.

I am however hoping to setup a Kiwi/Aussie league and will use some of the ideas and rules as a foundation for that.

Cheers guys and I have njoyed following this tournament!
Care to bet on it? I can ask the vbookie guys to put up some odds.

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