LeftArmFast wins the 2nd Monty Burns Cup

Good match. Thought i lost after getting at 20/8
Then hmarka started off well and I made few changes in my field which got him as scoring was very tough

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MB Invitational 3rd Final

XxFazzyxX : 129 all out 17.3 overs

LeftArmFast: 133/5 in 17.5

LeftArmFast wins the 2nd Monty Burns Cup
Last final was the best match I have had for a long time.

Where I did my best and Hmarka got me. He played really good and deserves the MB Cup. I have been a pain in the ass and this will be my last tournament for a long time.

I will always be available for one off matches during my game time but can't commit to tournaments as I found in this one

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Thanks to everyone for taking part. Sure there were some hiccups along the way but in the end we all played some very competitive cricket, saw some good upsets and met some new players.

Going to take a break from tournys for a bit myself. Except season 3 to start after the news of patch is confirmed and once the patch is released.

Once again thanks guys!
Well played guys and well played hmarka. Great win! I would just dearly love to be able to play you guys and see how I would fair. Probably poorly but you guys seem decent, fair players and then I don't care about winning or losing. great tournament again and it has been a great read. And I lost my money because I didn't think Grievously Bodily Harmy had it in him. I stand corrected! Well done again!:)
Cheers mate and dont worry ,you can take part soon enough, I am sure Monty Burns is not the kind of businessman who would miss out on the opportunity to arrange CR tournies.
Cheers mate and dont worry ,you can take part soon enough, I am sure Monty Burns is not the kind of businessman who would miss out on the opportunity to arrange CR tournies.

Oh yes, that will be cool! How are you doing with your ICC 09 thing? Or did you get Cricket Coach. I play ICC and love it although I find it difficult to find time to really get into it. I usually end up getting hammered!
I tried to get into it but I just cannot do sim games. I need to actually play the cricket to get any enjoyment out of it. I am too stuck into AC09 and with CR coming up I cant be bothered with ICC or CC.
I tried to get into it but I just cannot do sim games. I need to actually play the cricket to get any enjoyment out of it. I am too stuck into AC09 and with CR coming up I cant be bothered with ICC or CC.

I know what you mean but I do love the statistics and everything and I imagine you could get quite skilled at it. Ashes is still the game for me as well and I still enjoy playing it. Off-line unfortunately because of recent events but it is still enjoyable.
Sounds like a great final guys, well done Hmarka on winning, and also for running another great tourney, carnt wait for the next one.:hpraise
Well played FAZZY you played some great games during this tourney.
Had both of you at 3/1 so atleast i have some vcash out of it.
Sounds like a great final guys, well done Hmarka on winning, and also for running another great tourney, carnt wait for the next one.:hpraise
Well played FAZZY you played some great games during this tourney.
Had both of you at 3/1 so atleast i have some vcash out of it.

Yeah. The final's were the best matches I have played so far
It was always a see saw battle.

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