Cricket Academy Problems

Here i thought that i never gonna face any problem with Cricket Academy. :p
For last few days I'm facing this peculiar problem which i seem to replicate with pinpoint accuracy. I have a HD monitor hooked up to my laptop. When i play Cricket Academy on the monitor or laptop nothing weird happens. Everything goes smoothly at max settings. But, when i play some video on the laptop and play the game on the monitor, it works fine for about 3-4 minutes. After that the whole system just crash. No BSOD, no GPU Driver crash, No weird artefacts. Just plain and simple crash as if something has sucked the power out of the system.

Apparently its my lappy's problem. Had the similar crash while playing Assassin's Creed 3. Called up Dell and after some troubleshooting they came to conclusion that my laptop's heatsink and fan are faulty. They will send a engineer tomorrow at my place to fix it. Gotta love Dell's service. :clap
...they have to make up for the fact you own a Dell somehow.
...they have to make up for the fact you own a Dell somehow.

This is depressingly true. My ex had a dell laptop for graphical work (yea....I know) but in the space of about 3 months I'd called them up about 7 or 8 times for this that and the other and each time they diligently sent out an engineer the next day to fix it.

Including the time when the previous engineer forgot to reconnect the keyboard lights when replacing the graphics card and when I called them up a week later to report a different problem, all they could think was "oo there's a beep in the start-up that says there is a problem with the keyboard, I know, we'll replace it!". How replacing a keyboard is going to fix a problem with the processor Dell only knows...
Dell and Acer are about the worst technology brands you can buy... I'm sure there's a long list, but those two I have personal experience with and they're not worth the cardboard they come packaged in. I'm a Mac diehard, but for day-to-day stuff you can't beat HP... the power-cable plug system into the laptop alone is worth the asking price. I've owned 2 Acer's in the past (one replacement one) and both I had to buy a new power cable because of the stupid male-connection setup into the PC broke in the same way, every time.
Well, that could be the case now but when i bought the lappy 2 years back, that time in my price range Dell was giving the best GPU. I wanted a lappy for casual gaming and it has not wronged me in that regard yet. Engineer came today and replaced the parts. Now I've been playing Assasins Creed 3 for last 3 hours and I'm surprised this 2 year old lappy can handle it on max setting. :clap
I'm having a bizarre issue with my CA. Earlier the nets used to run constantly at 60 fps, but now they suddenly plummet to 40 fps and then after some time they're back to 60 fps. This has started happening after the latest update, earlier I had no such problem.
Dell and Acer are about the worst technology brands you can buy... I'm sure there's a long list, but those two I have personal experience with and they're not worth the cardboard they come packaged in. I'm a Mac diehard, but for day-to-day stuff you can't beat HP... the power-cable plug system into the laptop alone is worth the asking price. I've owned 2 Acer's in the past (one replacement one) and both I had to buy a new power cable because of the stupid male-connection setup into the PC broke in the same way, every time.

i have been pretty impressed with the quality of the lenovo i have for work, it's not top top end, but runs anything i need (as well as CA) and i have some pretty memory intensive applications.

however, their service is a piece of s***. my latest lappie is 3 months old, and the housing for where the charger goes in has come loose so it can't charge up. they claim it's "mechanical" so not covered by warranty and quoted more than the laptop is worth to fix it. total BS. wtf is the warranty for if not to protect me against them giving me defective components.

bottom line, never ever ever buy Lenovo.

Dell I find are decent machines first up but don't have a long life, and even from day one their batteries are utterly terrible. my wife bought a toshiba and that's fantastic.
Yeah, I'm a huge spruiker for Toshiba. I got a low end one but it runs Adobe Audition, CA and Football Manager well. I'm happy with that. Not sure on aftersales but I've had it 12months and all good. My gf and daughter both have low end Asus, which run WOW for them. Who needs to spend lots on laptops.

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