Cricket Academy Update#8 (Version 0.96a) is Live

Ross, why can't we have a 7 match ODI series. Seems maximum is 6?

I wish we could share tours as well :p!!

Anyways, just seeing the depth in this tour creator, I can just imagine how awesome it would be to go on tours in career mode :D
yeah, ok guys, try to get me into more trouble... keep mentioning the "A" word.... We're under strict legal instruction not to use the word "A" word at any time, we especially would never include a "demo" tour that might resemble any actual tour that might be going on at the moment...

The A dont mean.....Absolutelyshiteandfullofemptypromises???
I think Ross is dropping a lot of clues in his posts.....where is Columbo when you need him (don't answer that).

Seeing is believing??
Guys, I don't think it's a screenshot. It's just a little comedy with the demo-tour basically, being the Ashes tournament, that they can't mention... whatsoever... being the "demo tour" in the tour creator.

...we especially would never include a "demo" tour that might resemble any actual tour that might be going on at the moment...

Well, I figured that out right away! I also saw the delicious irony in it.
Ross, why can't we have a 7 match ODI series. Seems maximum is 6?
What you can do is a 2 team league with a final though, 3 round robin matches in the tournament and a final to equal 7.

One thing that would be nice is if you could just quickly set a rule for rest days and the like to make the competition sort itself out on the calendar a bit nicer by default - at the moment just chucking in a 5 test series gives you them all back to back. Even if those were just fixed defaults of a 4 day gap between tests, or only 3 ODIs in a week, etc. it would make the initial setup a bit easier.

Failing that, moving one match should push the ones that follow forward, it seems to just wall off any spot with a match so you basically need to work backwards. Unless that's just clunky mouse control (I haven't tried with a controller yet).

Any sharing of tournaments coming? It would be great if someone could just bundle up the required teams, a tour schedule and just have one press to get everything needed to play it.
yeah, ok guys, try to get me into more trouble... keep mentioning the "A" word.... We're under strict legal instruction not to use the word "A" word at any time, we especially would never include a "demo" tour that might resemble any actual tour that might be going on at the moment... you did include a demo tour that does resemble an actual tour that might be going on at the moment. So this post of yours looks more like a hint to me!! I kept using the A word in the whole beta....but nothing happened!!! I even renamed the demo tour to the A word.....again nothing happened :(!
What you can do is a 2 team league with a final though, 3 round robin matches in the tournament and a final to equal 7.

One thing that would be nice is if you could just quickly set a rule for rest days and the like to make the competition sort itself out on the calendar a bit nicer by default - at the moment just chucking in a 5 test series gives you them all back to back. Even if those were just fixed defaults of a 4 day gap between tests, or only 3 ODIs in a week, etc. it would make the initial setup a bit easier.

Failing that, moving one match should push the ones that follow forward, it seems to just wall off any spot with a match so you basically need to work backwards. Unless that's just clunky mouse control (I haven't tried with a controller yet).

Any sharing of tournaments coming? It would be great if someone could just bundle up the required teams, a tour schedule and just have one press to get everything needed to play it.

It would be great to have that sort of feature ;)

Agreed, the mouse is clunky - I just got home and it is playing up on my Notebook here so I expect other people will be getting the same.... the keyboard seems to work better.
Has anyone tried "Ashes" or "Biggs" for the bonus code?

The "Biggs" code only works for my version, I get a 640x480 sized photo of Ross giving me the thumbs up wearing a "this guy gets it" t-shirt. Kinda cute...
The "Biggs" code only works for my version, I get a 640x480 sized photo of Ross giving me the thumbs up wearing a "this guy gets it" t-shirt. Kinda cute...

But where is Ross ' s thumb up??

God I hate myself sometimes.....time to hurt myself with sticks of celery again...the shame....the shame
For what it's worth, have the graphics improved in this version? I'm getting a LOAD more detail on the beard options. The hair seems a lot smoother and nicer. Skin seems to look much more realistic, certainly on the players I've had a look at. Getting what looks to be a lot more detail in the kits as well... just little subtle stuff, is this a newer build graphics-wise Ross?
Ross it seems the download link has broken. my download stopped at 350 mb abruptly. Unable to restart. HELP!!!

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