DBC14 PC Version 1.14

I was able to connect some shots but most of them went straight to the fielders. I've a question though, why would you play such a shot against a delivery bowled on the off-side? The whole point of changing the AI length was to allow players to score runs on the off-side because earlier almost half the amount of shots were played on the leg side using the front foot leg glance.
That is mainly to change the mentality of the AI which will result in spread field as they place the fielder in your area of interest, and that shot of being able to play the balls on off to leg works well for those quick doubles , but they play the pull shot instead, allowing them to play the shot opens up leading edges,slip catches and even bat pad when timed badly....:D
That is mainly to change the mentality of the AI which will result in spread field as they place the fielder in your area of interest, and that shot of being able to play the balls on off to leg works well for those quick doubles , but they play the pull shot instead, allowing them to play the shot opens up leading edges,slip catches and even bat pad when timed badly....:D
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can play non-trigger leg glance shots - it's the aggressive front foot leg shot that you can't play. If you're after quick doubles or singles then you don't have to use the triggers.
I can see that you're verified i just don't buy you can't connect to the net. Hell, boot the game before you go and don't close, problem solved.

DRM like this is the only way the game has a chance of coming to PC in future versions. That's the only valid point.
Since I am still the biggest douche in this forum at the moment, just thought I would explain to blockerdave that sometimes someone cannot connect to the internet. Went to my mates place this weekend to play some DBC. His PC is setup in the lounge, by the big TV. Shock, Horror, No ethernet cable. Therefore no DBC.

Sure, we could go out, purchase a wireless card, connect it, and generally waste 2 hours and R300.00 to play the game - which is what we ended up doing - or if the game is verified, and confirmed as being purchased, skip the online check. What if the router wasn't wireless. We would have had to pull cable. What if we weren't in IT, and could not do it ourselves - pay someone to come to us over the weekend?

My convoluted point is: sometimes, people legitimately don't have internet access. Not everywhere in the world is 1st world, with internet everywhere.
Yupppp.........pirates are frustrated all over the place........

IS this true that SA has such a low quality inernet connectivity or just a lie told by this guy.....first time heard ....so lil bit curious. ....
Yes its true, i have a 2meg line. But the download of DBC14 still took about a 4 hours. Online play is a no go, due to very low speeds of the line. Unless you stay in the big cities in SA, you have to live with bad support from Helkom, and very expensive mobile data.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can play non-trigger leg glance shots - it's the aggressive front foot leg shot that you can't play. If you're after quick doubles or singles then you don't have to use the triggers.
For me its been the non trigger shot that am not able to play the leg glance shot, have not played the aggressive ground shot yet..This is on PS3 so PC may vary...
While making such substantial improvements and fixes to the game is commendable, I don't think it can justify or is relevant to the topic of introducing DRM post-release.
I am also from SA. I dont have a problem with Big Ant and the DRM that was put in place, sure some times I wont be able to play the game, but its not the end of the world. DBC is a great game, and if the DRM ensure future integrations then go for it. If you want the game buy it. Period.
For me its been the non trigger shot that am not able to play the leg glance shot, have not played the aggressive ground shot yet..This is on PS3 so PC may vary...
No, PS3 shouldn't vary. So, are you saying that every time you attempt to play non-trigger front foot leg glance shot, the batsman plays a pull? I'd be very surprised if that's the case.
@Ross, thanks for reminding me about the initial system requirements. Noted, and moving on. You are 100% right. I was wrong. Keep up the good work.
Since I am still the biggest douche in this forum at the moment, just thought I would explain to blockerdave that sometimes someone cannot connect to the internet. Went to my mates place this weekend to play some DBC. His PC is setup in the lounge, by the big TV. Shock, Horror, No ethernet cable. Therefore no DBC.

Sure, we could go out, purchase a wireless card, connect it, and generally waste 2 hours and R300.00 to play the game - which is what we ended up doing - or if the game is verified, and confirmed as being purchased, skip the online check. What if the router wasn't wireless. We would have had to pull cable. What if we weren't in IT, and could not do it ourselves - pay someone to come to us over the weekend?

My convoluted point is: sometimes, people legitimately don't have internet access. Not everywhere in the world is 1st world, with internet everywhere.

my point is, yes, legitimately some people cannot connect to the internet. but the percentage of legitimate users who genuinely cannot connect to the internet, and the number of legitimate boots of the game that will fail because of this is a tiny percentage of the legitimate install base. and the number of users affected is tiny relative to scale of the piracy problem.

simply, nobody can have the update or game if they can never connect to the net. so even for those affected it's surely only some boots that will fail, it's not that they can never play the game. faced between a tiny number of people affected <100% of the time, and trying to secure the future of the franchise on PC, i know what i would do as a developer, and i know what i support as a gamer.
Yes its true, i have a 2meg line. But the download of DBC14 still took about a 4 hours. Online play is a no go, due to very low speeds of the line. Unless you stay in the big cities in SA, you have to live with bad support from Helkom, and very expensive mobile data.

The DRM doesn't require online play or huge bandwidth. It's a quick check with a very small packet transfer as the game is started. No-one is saying that it's ideal but it's a lot better than many other forms of always-on DRM.
On Sunday steam was not connecting, could not get it online however my Internet worked fine.

I had to go to the mall with my wife for several hours until it came back up.

Would bigant consider a scheme whereby they distract my wife for a while in case of future issues? I will pay for the shopping.

Edit: I'm just saying if you can't connect then you'll have to simply wait until you can :)
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No, PS3 shouldn't vary. So, are you saying that every time you attempt to play non-trigger front foot leg glance shot, the batsman plays a pull? I'd be very surprised if that's the case.
For me it depends on the length of the ball... sometimes I'll want a leg glance (as fine leg is up in the circle) but I'll play a front foot pull through mid-wicket.

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