Does anyone else feel like every time it hurts their want to play the game?

Look all over these forms. You're not a kid, I shouldn't have to hold your finger through it all.

The game isn't half arsed
Yes, yes it is.

a lot of love clearly went into this product
A lot of love went into Candy Crush too (probably more than this) and they aren't making me pay $100 for a game with obvious faults.

Crashes are rarer now, and I personally haven't seen one in a while.
I've had one every single time I play the game. Now you're gonna say "maybe there's something wrong with your system." To that I'm gonna reply 1. My system is brand new. 2. I know several people who have experienced this.

online platforms such as this one
Hahahahahahaha where the developer puts you on ignore because you dared to critise their product?

If you're talking about the late cut one to spinners issue that's a bit different to the description as a whole; that description does fit DBC 14 though.
I did not have a super keeper problem in DBC14. It's this game.
Look all over these forms. You're not a kid, I shouldn't have to hold your finger through it all.

That isn't a source for a majority, nothing on the forum suggests its a majority of players.

Yes, yes it is.

Nice argument. What to you suggests it's half arsed?

A lot of love went into Candy Crush too (probably more than this) and they aren't making me pay $100 for a game with obvious faults.

A lot of investment went into Candy Crush, and you are the product in its instance. If you're comparing the game to mobile games though, it shows how limited an argument you have for your point.

I've had one every single time I play the game. Now you're gonna say "maybe there's something wrong with your system." To that I'm gonna reply 1. My system is brand new. 2. I know several people who have experienced this.

What platform are you on? Have you followed the instructions Big Ant gave on fixing crashes caused by academy issues?

Hahahahahahaha where the developer puts you on ignore because you dared to critise their product?

I criticised Big Ant with DBC 14, Ross and I were actually in a long, even heated, debate about whether forcing the PC version into being always online constituted a breach of Australian consumer law, and whether piracy warranted the respond they gave. As long as you're civil Ross and such take criticism very well, better than most developers.

I did not have a super keeper problem in DBC14. It's this game.

The fielding was a serious problem in DBC 14, particularly around release. The keepers bordered on the comical at times, though that was mostly how they looked after a few updates.
I would really like once again to say to people: go in the nets, take time to practice things you want to get good at, look at some of the vids @grkrama is making for batting and dont be too blinded by the issues: yes, things need fixing and some of them are glaring. But as a community we musnt fall into the trap of wanting this game to be too easy and not have the depth and potential it has now. BA has given everything the community has asked for, created headaches for themselves in doing so and we need to give them the time to be able to glue everything together. It is massively complex. I am sure that everything is potentially already in the game: it just needs to be coaxed out and glued together. Lets be constructively critical and patient and have the attitude that they want to work with us not against us......I hope that they will continue to develop the series: I think a positive road for them to go down next time will be an early access version so that we can have this process with them without people feeling that they have been sold short.
That isn't a source for a majority, nothing on the forum suggests its a majority of players.
Are you not reading all the posts?

Nice argument. What to you suggests it's half arsed?
You need like 3 patches for the game to be playable??

A lot of investment went into Candy Crush, and you are the product in its instance. If you're comparing the game to mobile games though, it shows how limited an argument you have for your point.
You said "a lot of love went into this game" and I was just pointing out how inane that sounded.

As long as you're civil Ross
Apparently not.

The fielding was a serious problem in DBC 14, particularly around release. The keepers bordered on the comical at times, though that was mostly how they looked after a few updates.
I bought that game like a year after release. I probably should've done the same for this. My fault for being excited and hoping for a decent game.
Are you not reading all the posts?

Picture a population with two different types of people: those who like something, and those who don't. If one these groups is more inclined to comment, then it would mean that volume of comments alone isn't a fair estimate of overall satisfaction. This is something observed in almost all forum environments like this one. Going by your hypothesis, from my previous experience I can conclude:

- Every Football Manager game ever made is the worst, buggiest, more injury rigged version seen in the series yet
- Every FIFA game is the worst one ever made, FIFA [current-2] is the best of all time
- Every cricket game ever made is terrible, buggy, and poorly made
- Civ VI is the worst Civ game ever made
- Civ V is the worst Civ game ever made
- Civ IV is the worst Civ game ever made
- Civ III is the worst Civ game ever made
- Hillary Clinton is the president of the United States of America

The alternative of course is that claims like "the majority of people aren't satisfied" may require more substantiation than "I only read negative posts on forums".

You need like 3 patches for the game to be playable??

The game is currently playable, and was playable out of the box, if a bit buggy. Without a clear definition of "playable" there's not a lot to go with here. I could start up a game and enjoy it at release, the game is stable and very enjoyable now.

You said "a lot of love went into this game" and I was just pointing out how inane that sounded.

You claimed the game was half-arsed, which it clearly wasn't. It might have have teething problems, but all sports games do. Sports games are near impossible to balance, and there will always need to be things that need patching. Most bugs with the game actually had to do with the academy as well, something highly dependent on user behaviour, would you have preferred no academy? I honestly can't hold that against them.

Apparently not.

No, as long as you're civil with him. Ross doesn't block people for no reason. As outspoken as he can be he doesn't take issue with criticism that's not positioned as an attack on his team or himself personally.

I bought that game like a year after release. I probably should've done the same for this. My fault for being excited and hoping for a decent game.

It is a decent game. Tears and such aside you've not defined how it's not. If it's crashing problems, what platform of the game are you playing, is it up to date, and did you delete the gamedata like suggested by BigAnt?
The Christmas release date is surely the publishers call not BA's and they are too looking after their interests, so obviously the best time to release would be Christmas, did you want them to release it a year later?

The publisher is probably responsible for most of this, but they aren't very visible. The developers are usually the ones who have to address the public, but under the pressure of not being able to speak freely about why certain decisions were made.

It was a bizarre time to release. My only guess is that either HES/Tru Blu wanted it out for Oct/Nov and slipped, or it was originally planned for Feb/Mar and was brought forwards, but that Xmas was seen as a key sales period they couldn't miss out on. But its hard to tell as they make so little effort - the marketing is non-existent and they don't even do basic PR or social media. Or update their website very often.

I really don't get it - they've had 2 gos at this and they managed to do worse on the second, on every front, that they did on the first.
I would really like once again to say to people: go in the nets, take time to practice things you want to get good at, look at some of the vids @grkrama is making for batting and dont be too blinded by the issues: yes, things need fixing and some of them are glaring. But as a community we musnt fall into the trap of wanting this game to be too easy and not have the depth and potential it has now. BA has given everything the community has asked for, created headaches for themselves in doing so and we need to give them the time to be able to glue everything together. It is massively complex. I am sure that everything is potentially already in the game: it just needs to be coaxed out and glued together. Lets be constructively critical and patient and have the attitude that they want to work with us not against us......I hope that they will continue to develop the series: I think a positive road for them to go down next time will be an early access version so that we can have this process with them without people feeling that they have been sold short.

I take back my earlier post...this one is a goodie!

An early access version would be more than acceptable and that is how this should have been sold as sorry no way it should have been sold as a finished product!

It would jave been a smart thing to do!
The publisher is probably responsible for most of this, but they aren't very visible. The developers are usually the ones who have to address the public, but under the pressure of not being able to speak freely about why certain decisions were made.

It was a bizarre time to release. My only guess is that either HES/Tru Blu wanted it out for Oct/Nov and slipped, or it was originally planned for Feb/Mar and was brought forwards, but that Xmas was seen as a key sales period they couldn't miss out on. But its hard to tell as they make so little effort - the marketing is non-existent and they don't even do basic PR or social media. Or update their website very often.

I really don't get it - they've had 2 gos at this and they managed to do worse on the second, on every front, that they did on the first.

To be fair they've gone down the "game before marketing" route still. I still remember when Ashes 2013 had a delay announced at around the same time it was set to release, despite being marketed to some level. That mess was truly bizarre on every level. Licencing, advertising, that one had it all, but an actual game.

I do wonder if part of the reason cricket games don't get marketed much since is because of that fiasco. I still come across people who say "hahaha, a cricket game, they're always unfinished and unplayable, even the big ones like Ashes"; I wonder how much long term damage to the cricket game market was done by that game.
I take back my earlier post...this one is a goodie!

An early access version would be more than acceptable and that is how this should have been sold as sorry no way it should have been sold as a finished product!

It would jave been a smart thing to do!

This game isn't early access, and early access lends itself to vapourwear, and as a marketing strategy has picked up a terrible smell. It is a complete game that is getting a lot of support since release.

Closed betas with key members of the community on here are one thing, early access is another. Equally, "early access" tends to kill any marketing potential for a games actual release, and most players just see "unfinished" and many don't come back. Cricket games are too niche to take that kind of risk.
Closed betas with key members of the community on here are one thing, early access is another. Equally, "early access" tends to kill any marketing potential for a games actual release, and most players just see "unfinished" and many don't come back. Cricket games are too niche to take that kind of risk.

There's been some bad ones, sure. But look at what Codemasters did with Dirt Rally, taking a niche game, doing a PC early access (and doing it with a game that was very far along, like DBC would be) and using it to test for 6 months before doing a full release. To both great critical acclaim and solid commercial performance.
It can work. It *would* work.

Early Access doesn't kill potential *if the game is good*. In fact, it builds huge momentum. AND gets money in earlier in order to fund the development. OR, if you prefer, Early Access sales fund a MARKETING CAMPAIGN.

Looks like around 2500 people have bought the PC version so far at $50. Let's assume that doubles in the next week or two. That's plenty to invest in a better launch for the console versions...
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Looks like around 2500 people have bought the PC version so far at $50.

Is that number publicly available or is it an "inside thing"?
Is that number publicly available or is it an "inside thing"?

Estimates only. There's no way of getting official numbers on PC.

EDIT - In fact, there's no way of getting official numbers on ANY digital sales. Which is very frustrating for analysts. It really limits the ability to accurately predict numbers which, with physical sales receding all the time, makes it quite difficult to get funding for games at the moment. Investors like to know how much they expect to sell.
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Early Access doesn't kill potential *if the game is good*. In fact, it builds huge momentum. AND gets money in earlier in order to fund the development. OR, if you prefer, Early Access sales fund a MARKETING CAMPAIGN.
Closed betas with key members of the community on here are one thing, early access is another. Equally, "early access" tends to kill any marketing potential for a games actual release, and most players just see "unfinished" and many don't come back. Cricket games are too niche to take that kind of risk.

simply put never get alpha games in early access, beta games that are close enough to release will benefit both gamer and developer.

Most scam in early access is from indie devs with survival games..that remain in EA for half a decade, i mean why would they cut the fund they generate while being given the cover of EA as excuse.

In the long sense Early access should be allowed only for games that have devloped to a good playable state and require testing with public. Rather than using it as kickstarter.

If BA go down this route im sure they would do well with their level of commitment.Also would get more word of mouth online marketing
The only problem with the developers of the game I see, is to start giving a complete game with the first iteration itself. What if they just create a game with the same mechanics but no depth in career, no bars, no academy etc etc and release DBC 15, DBC 16, DBC 17 with some depth added along with cosmetic updates year on year. People still moan and purchase the iterations just like this one but BigAnt will earn more for their efforts. As a person who only play sport and Racing games by purchasing them year after year, I have never seen any iteration give away so much content in one go that too to a game which has no competition at all. And to add to that, they fix the bugs with regular patches. I knew I am planting a wrong seed in BigAnt's mind, but it's a fact and hope people make sense of it and appreciate their effort. I am new to this forum and the game, but have been batting for DBC17 regularly ever since getting the game and I don't know any one at BigAnt (just to make it clear and dodge a banter)..

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