Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

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He wasn't playing a shot, he was padding up with his bat behind the pad.

Then he should have been given unless 3rd umpire thought that the batsman was playing a shot and gave benefit of the doubt in favor of batsman. Happens all the time against spinners - batsman pads up pretending to play at the ball with no real intention of doing so but the umpire thinks or assumes batsman was indeed trying to play a shot. In some cases it's subjective really, especially when the batsman has bat close to the pad. If the batsman was shouldering th bat, it would be a simple decision for the umpire to give.
How many of you are facing the ball going through the bat till the back end and comes out as a very poor shot at catchable height....This surely needs tweaking...The other day I had a dismissal where I played a cut shot off the middle timed very well but that went through the bat and the ball slowed down and went as a very easy catch to the slip and same type of of dismissal against short deliveries, pull shot hit well but went through halfway of the bat and went to forward square leg....
How many of you are facing the ball going through the bat till the back end and comes out as a very poor shot at catchable height....This surely needs tweaking...The other day I had a dismissal where I played a cut shot off the middle timed very well but that went through the bat and the ball slowed down and went as a very easy catch to the slip and same type of of dismissal against short deliveries, pull shot hit well but went through halfway of the bat and went to forward square leg....

Don't play cut & pull shots if there are fielders at Forward Square Leg and Point (or Backward point). Plus avoid off/on drives if silly mid off or silly mid on are in place as you will get caught sooner or later via that loopy shot which goes through the bat and comes back at slow pace and catchable height. AI never drops those catches.
It was explained previously that the offer to take a result only happens in particular circumstances - not just every time someone quits or has their connection drop.

I'm sure a lot of people might want it to appear more often - but when the conditions are met, the option does exist.

They haven't been specific about those conditions to avoid people making sure they quit before reaching that point.

Don't recall seeing the landing circle option in the menu though I recall something about ball marker or similar. I have turned on all the HUD options and I can see the landing circle while fielding. My fielding setting is "semi auto" (or semi-manual) so maybe try changing your fielding option. If it's set to "Auto" the landing circle may not show up as you don't need it for fielding purpose.

As for the 2nd item, I saw a couple of folks facing issues generating a result from quit games and you may find posts from them in the thread, or maybe in the Online thread. Either way report it as a bug and let Big Ant figure out whether the "Generate Result" functionality is working as intended or it needs tweaking.

thanks guys :thumbs

they really need to offer that option as soon as 1st inngs gets over. lots of people quitting after batting or early on in the 2nd inngs
How many of you are facing the ball going through the bat till the back end and comes out as a very poor shot at catchable height....This surely needs tweaking...The other day I had a dismissal where I played a cut shot off the middle timed very well but that went through the bat and the ball slowed down and went as a very easy catch to the slip and same type of of dismissal against short deliveries, pull shot hit well but went through halfway of the bat and went to forward square leg....

Ross (@BigAntStudios) has said that this is a graphical glitch. At this stage the suggestion is that you can't trust the graphical representation - that is, Ross has said the physics is working fine, and then the graphics have to catch up.

Yes, I have seen it happen lots, both to me while batting and to the AI when I'm bowling to it. Occasionally the ball passes completely through the bat altogether.
Since I installed patch 2 I can't play the game properly anymore. Everytime I play a career match, I finish it and when it goes back to the career screen the 360 freezes and doesn't save anything meaning I have to play the match again.
Every time I get a batsmen out caught behind the game freezes. The fielders run towards the bowlers. The batsmen stays at the wicket. Umpire doesn't react. The game doesn't progress. Any ideas why?
i have uploaded a screenshot from steam where the stump has gone out of ground but i have never happen when i m playing and also i m playing with a fast bowler who is bowling around 153.3kph so please help is thier any problem with my game


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Mode : Online
Match Type : Test Match

Issues : Bowled given not out. When i use DRS also, nothing happens. It cuts off in middle and umpire gives not out. Is the bug related to online latency ? I dont face it in normal game, Only in online mode i face this.
i take a wicket in career mode and all of a sudden the screen goes black. waited half hour and went to xbox home screen. happened second time to me in 3 days. had no save crashes all these days post patch 2 and all of a sudden my xbox crashed yesterday while saving. any idea how to avoid the black screen after wicket? Thanks
Did you appeal for the wicket?
nope, batsman got caught at fine leg and it showed the reply and everything and screen goes black. happened yesterday too. yesterday the batsman was out at long on
Oh I thought it may have been the appeal bug. Well we know that the XBOX is having issues with saving so it could be something to do with that.
ok never had save issues post patch 2. happened first time yesterday. fingers crossed hope it does not happen again. Thanks for trying to help, appreciate it.
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