Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

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Is it an issue that i'm finding the jump from Pro to Veteran hard? Especially bowling with no hud
I apologize if this has been mentioned before:

Mode: Career
Match Type: Have had in both OD and FC
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Don't recall what over it was in the OD, but it was third innings over 37 in FC.
Ground: Lancashire
Teams: Surrey vs Sussex (mine)
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: I've had two instances now, once in each format I mentioned, when I bowled a legitimate (HUD was perfect both times) full-ish inswinger that hit the pads, but when I appeal nothing happens but instead the umpire gives a no-ball signal. Odder yet, a run gets added to the total but in the case of the OD match, a free-hit was not rewarded to the batting team.

I feel like both times I hit the appeal button a bit too late. Could be related?

So something like this happened again since the patch, though I did not restart my career. The difference was that this time I didn't appeal as the ball rolled on to the stumps after hitting the back pad. The umpire gave a no-ball but again no free hit. I checked the replay and my player wasn't overstepping either.

Any ideas?

EDIT: Am I the only one who has seen this issue?
Is it an issue that i'm finding the jump from Pro to Veteran hard? Especially bowling with no hud

I can't comment as to whether it's an issue for you or not, but I can say that bowling without a HUD gets easier. It's harder than with a HUD, for sure, but you get used to it. I get less 5WIs but it's more realistic.

As for batting, I went from averaging about 5 to averaging about 4, so no big deal.

EDIT: This question and answer belong in the 'Post your questions about the game here!' thread.
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Has anyone facing this issue that while playing the short I.e successfully execute the right analog stick, batsman either leaves the ball or does not play any short.
This resulting either lbw or bold, and it got me out several times when I reached in 30s or 40s during career mode.
Admin please comment to fix this issue and I believe it was there in game before patch as well.
Before patch# 1 to bowl maximum speed with fast bowlers i jump late and release the foot on the line to get the maximum speed. doing this i will be late to react and bowl lot of no balls or i jump early and will result in lesser speed.

After patch# 1 even if i jump early i am still able to bowl with good speed. It happens with the opponent as well they bowl 145 + very easily and it makes online play more difficult.

I am not sure if any adjustment done in patch #1 or like others i learned the perfect timing. Did any of you realized it ?
Mode: Career
Match Type: T20
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Season
Ground: NA
Teams: Playing as Worcs
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: Finished top of T20 but there were no T20 finals? Thought it may have been at the end of the season but nothing happened. There were P40 (which are 50 overs) finals but no T20
Sometimes the game just freezes and I have to restart my happened when I was creating a team and also before a matc in my career mode...and everytime I tried playing that match after restarting my ps3 (I tried it like 5 times), the game this because of a problem in the disc or due to some other reason?.....I downloaded the best teams first and I've made quite a few changes and added some new teams as well.....could that be the reason?
Is anyone else experiencing this?....and is there a way to fix it?
Always bowling at good length instead of short or full length trigger

Always bowling at good length instead of short or full length trigger button pressed

Mode: Career/Online (any mode except Match Practice Mode)
Match Type: Any Type
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Always
Ground: Any Ground
Teams: Any teams
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: Even though I am pressing short length or full length button its always bowling good length deliveries.
I tried 1) remove patch n try same thing,
2)thought my controller spoiled tried at match practise mode its working absolutely fine , its not working only during when i play matches, so no controller issue.
What went wrong , it was working , from last week I am facing this issue.

Any setting or any fix @Ross @BigAntStudios @Anyone who faced this issue please guide to fix this issue , :facepalm

Sorry got it resolved myself, it depends on the release timing of delivery , before it was not happening, now full length & speed of delivery mostly depends on release time of delivery
.It was depends on R stick down trigger now it changed to R stick up trigger, Anyways sorry for posting this issue, update us if any such things happens in patches .. thanks @BigAntStudios because the game is superb I love playing career & online (hope few issue of online will be fixed in future patch) ... Thanks
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I can't comment as to whether it's an issue for you or not, but I can say that bowling without a HUD gets easier. It's harder than with a HUD, for sure, but you get used to it. I get less 5WIs but it's more realistic.

As for batting, I went from averaging about 5 to averaging about 4, so no big deal.

EDIT: This question and answer belong in the 'Post your questions about the game here!' thread.
Was having a laugh mate :) No issue but I do wish I could see where I was going right and wrong in match, as the HUD is too distracting in Match Practice but I like the indication of where i'm going right/wrong. Especially with spin.
Was having a laugh mate :) No issue but I do wish I could see where I was going right and wrong in match, as the HUD is too distracting in Match Practice but I like the indication of where i'm going right/wrong. Especially with spin.

So was I.

I agree with you to some extent. It is a game after all, so some indication would be nice. The main one for me is; am I hitting RS straight up, or slightly to the left or right? Generally you can tell by watching the ball, but a better visual cue would help me to adjust on the next delivery.

At the same time though, once you're in the big leagues bowling should be harder. Batting is, and this is a good way to balance the other half of the game.
Just had all my stats wiped. 360 version.

I noticed the game was creating 2 profiles saves on my hard drive. Not sure if that's relevant. Currently ranked 6th with 41902 yet the game says I haven't played any balls at all.

Great game.

I'm sure this issue may have been brought up earlier, but I have a problem with the game freezing at the start of all matches and on practice mode. For e.g. once the AI decides which team is batting or fielding, it just freezes and you can hear the crowd in the background and the game doesn't move forward.

Great game.

I'm sure this issue may have been brought up earlier, but I have a problem with the game freezing at the start of all matches and on practice mode. For e.g. once the AI decides which team is batting or fielding, it just freezes and you can hear the crowd in the background and the game doesn't move forward.


If you can't even play the game, how's it a great game?
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