Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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The shot placement is not precise with the stick. Sometimes, when I want to hit the ball to mid-off the batsman hits it to mid-on. I have a new controller period.

When I choose to drive the ball it instead plays a straight shot. The difficulty is set to PRO level. Is this a bug with game or I am doing something wrong?
The shot placement is not precise with the stick. Sometimes, when I want to hit the ball to mid-off the batsman hits it to mid-on. I have a new controller period.

When I choose to drive the ball it instead plays a straight shot. The difficulty is set to PRO level. Is this a bug with game or I am doing something wrong?

This can come down to timing, whether or not it's the right shot to be playing to that delivery, any movement in the air/off the pitch, shot selection, footwork selection etc.

You won't necessarily be placing the ball perfectly every time given the variables at play.

So besides the numerous run outs which have cruelled my already mediocre batting average (id say 50% of dismissals) there is something else that has destroyed my will to continue playing.

Let me set the scene.

Playing in a one day match, going well, middle over's and I have punched the ball around for a run a ball 20. Get hit on the pads and everyone goes up, umpire says not out and fielding side calls for a review. No overstepping from the bowler and no inside edge.
Hawk Eye:
Pitching: Outside off.
Impact: Inline.
Stumps: Umpires Call (clipping the top).

Phew I am safe.

Decision is overturned and I am on my way. What?
Problem with career mode

Got the game a few days and I've been playing a lot. However I found a big error which is really annoying me. In career mode, I am a bowling all rounder and play for queensland. I have downloaded the most popular created teams in the cricket academy. In every game so far in career mode. The bowlers have mostly been batsmen and openers which means none of the bowlers are bowling. This is causing the stats to go bad as the leading wicket takers are all batsmen such as ben dunk, peter Forrest and mark cosgrove. Is there any way to fix this? Or do I have to keep playing like this?

Thanks for any help
That LBW bug after review must of been a miunderstanding of the rules by someone at Big Ant

surely, in future patches,that will be fixed

hasnt happened to me... yet (ive probaly jinxed myself here!!)
TripleM, could you add to your bugs list fielders taking catches on the boundary always throw the ball over the line.

Edit: Except don't. Because it's not actually illegal.
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@TripleM, could you add to your bugs list fielders taking catches on the boundary always throw the ball over the line.

How is that a bug? They've controlled the catch in the field of play. What they do afterwards doesn't impact on the score, nor the gameplay experience.
So besides the numerous run outs which have cruelled my already mediocre batting average (id say 50% of dismissals) there is something else that has destroyed my will to continue playing.

Let me set the scene.

Playing in a one day match, going well, middle over's and I have punched the ball around for a run a ball 20. Get hit on the pads and everyone goes up, umpire says not out and fielding side calls for a review. No overstepping from the bowler and no inside edge.
Hawk Eye:
Pitching: Outside off.
Impact: Inline.
Stumps: Umpires Call (clipping the top).

Phew I am safe.

Decision is overturned and I am on my way. What?

People with that kind of hard luck should rather turn BARS off.
How is that a bug? They've controlled the catch in the field of play. What they do afterwards doesn't impact on the score, nor the gameplay experience.

Woops, you're right. Not even sure why i thought that now that i think about it a bit more.
Or I could give my feedback?

I press B and the batsman walks out of his crease but if I don't press B he stands out of his ground. I'm not playing cut shots a lot of these are drives I'm missing.

That's strange, I played last night and specifically looked at this, if you miss a shot against the spinner and press the cancel run button, the batsman slides his back foot into the crease, also mostly of drives that I missed.
Mode: Career
Match Type: 4 day
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): About 8 overs into the innings
Ground: Unknown
Teams: Unknown
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue:

I'm playing as a number 3 batsman, not an allrounder. However, in about the 4th or 5th game of the season, the captain put me on as the first change bowler!

I had already started an earlier career as an allrounder, but switched to a new one as batsman only because I wanted to concentrate on batting, rather than having to bowl for 20 minutes just to get another duck. Is this deliberate?
This is getting fixed in the patch.

If you don't want to wait for the patch you can either use on-disc teams, or replace on-disc teams individually after re-setting the academy.
Mode: Career
Match Type: 5 day test match ashes
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): all through the inngings
Ground: cant memba
Teams: career aus and England teams
Get Best: no
Description of Issue: Now I haven't got the get best option because I didn't want the opening batsmen bowling etc but the opening batsmen are bowling more overs then the bowlers and taking more wickets. I don't know whats happening but its another bug
Description of Issue: Now I haven't got the get best option because I didn't want the opening batsmen bowling etc but the opening batsmen are bowling more overs then the bowlers and taking more wickets. I don't know whats happening but its another bug

Ross mentioned several times that the career linking bug has nothing to do with whether you use get best or not - it's the same bug for everyone.
Ross mentioned several times that the career linking bug has nothing to do with whether you use get best or not - it's the same bug for everyone. that's not true. It works entirely based on the on-disc ratings.

You can work around the bug by replicating the on-disc rosters exactly (which means some teams will be out of date).

He may well have replaced the individual team rather than using the 'Get Best' option.
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