Don Bradman Cricket Academy Beta Version 0.99.94a Download

Mods are the only option..

What is the obsession with modding? Sure, it's understandable wanting to change player names and kits (which isn't needed as we have CA), but to actually change how the game works? Why?! Why do people always have to fiddle?!
Erm welcome to Planetcricket...
Quite often AI mods improve the game out-of-the-box to (in EA's case) a playable state or just personalised difficulty etc.
Erm welcome to Planetcricket...
Quite often AI mods improve the game out-of-the-box to (in EA's case) a playable state or just personalised difficulty etc.

I've been waiting for my welcome to PC for months. About time.

Very disrespectful to Ross and co though. Don't get it myself, but each to their own.
Considering that:
a) pretty much every cricket game ever has been shit out the box
b) modding extends the gamelife and Big Ant have said they intend to support it

Not so much.
We have provided code and so on for modders in the past, indeed there is a Modder in the Credits of RLL2 RWC because of his past modding efforts, not for anything actually in the game.

I wont be going out of my way to do mod's for the Cricket Academy, it has been of a drain on resources just supporting and updating it as it is, last thing I need right now is spurious bugs reported that are actually related to Mods.


I've been waiting for my welcome to PC for months. About time.

Very disrespectful to Ross and co though. Don't get it myself, but each to their own.

It's cool, I understand that while we try to accommodate all levels of difficulty there will be outliers who find the game too hard or too easy, or that want "officially" official stuff that we can in no way support.
drunkenly hitting on a vague relative

That sounds so wrong.

*deletes NZ off the ''Places i'd like to visit'' list.
Hi Ross,

This is my first post here. I just would like to thank you for making such an awesome demo and the game seems to be very promising. I can't wait to play it in its full fledged form.

I have a couple questions if you could kindly expand on?

1) When the game is released, will it be available on Steam and Amazon? I am wondering about this because I live in the USA.

2) As the question is being discussed in bit detail here. I was wondering would there be the ability of users to update simple files in the game to make the kits and the players names more current?

I was wondering about this because the last EA cricket game has bunch of mini packs online where folks have updated to their liking.

Thank you again for making an awesome game!!! :) It was much needed!!! Also are there any plans on releasing this onto the Xbox one or the PS4?
It's only wrong if I'm related to you.
Now I'm confused. Do I or don't I tell women in a New Zealand bar that I'm related to them?

"How about we get out of here and go pretend I'm your brother for 37 seconds".
Its funny you say that because I drunkenly hit on vague relatives around Christmas time.

Whereas growing up around Frankston we just hit everyone, relative or not.


Back on topic for a second, playing the latest 99.94b - I think you guys are going to love it! :D

When's it coming....? I don't know - after QA test it for a number of hours today.
Whereas growing up around Frankston we just hit everyone, relative or not.


Back on topic for a second, playing the latest 99.94b - I think you guys are going to love it! :D

When's it coming....? I don't know - after QA test it for a number of hours today.

Is it just the edges that have been tweaked??
Back on topic for a second, playing the latest 99.94b - I think you guys are going to love it! :D

When's it coming....? I don't know - after QA test it for a number of hours today.

Good stuff! Hoping it has ramped up difficulty levels with more edges, and the batting difficulty is consistent what we might find when the game comes out :thumbs
Whereas growing up around Frankston we just hit everyone, relative or not.


Back on topic for a second, playing the latest 99.94b - I think you guys are going to love it! :D

When's it coming....? I don't know - after QA test it for a number of hours today.

Let the update make us say Ho! Ho! Ho!

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