Hi can confirm the issue angad mentioned , when playing spin in random or offspin its always bowling legspin
I just think you unlucky, it is random for me.
Under options menu, there are a couple of new options available called 'Bowling Assistance' and 'Bowling Assistance Audio' or something like that. What are these for?
okcould it be that i used the update version.
also someone in the forum has got famous
"who do you think you are Biggs"
Also its really challenging playing on random, edges flying everywhere,i really got caught with a short one that swung the other way caught my glove and edged since i had just smashed the prev short ball with a pull
Full game / Update should be the same.
We tested it this afternoon after first reported and it doesn't happen for us - we will try again tomorrow.
http://www.planetcricket.org/files/BA/caupdate_099_94c.execan you put the update through your server please