Eddie's Gameplay patch

Eddie can you let me know that strokes list as which shot no is for which type of stroke?Thank in advance.
JANER said:
I havn't had this wide issue problem?
Infact I think there could be more off stump balls bowled.

try playing against a very poor bowler , he gives more wides than normal balls , this doesnt happen against mcgrath or pollock for example
PLEASE EDDIE im begging u , if at all possible i love this patch against the aussies and SA cos they have great bowlers so u get normal balls with the odd wider delivery, but play a poor bowler and u score more in wides than runs cos u cant reach his wides. i know im a pain in the ass but this is so near perfection for me its untrue,and if u could use the test batting in 4 day county matches (really poor bowlers there) and the odi patch for odi county matches id be happy as a pig in ****, many thx , sorry for going on but im so excited
i am talking using the testbatting patch.......and im telling the truth , try a county match with u batting against average bowlers(wait until there 2 main bowlers r tired) then when a poor bowler comes in u just sit back and clock up about 10 runs in wides......im not lying i love this patch.....i would not use the mad hitter patch as batting is too easy anyway
its been days and days since ive heard anything..........any progress on poor bowlers doing so many wides in testbatting patch??? cmon eddie PLEASE!!
try playing county side like susex v essex or similar in the domestic leagues, thats funny,or lancashire v durham , try it
ok well.........bat with the test batting patch (not test ) for the 4 day matches and the odi patch for odi obviously.well when u r batting the good bowlers are ok but once they r tired the new second string bowlers come in and they bowl so many wides.......read the post before these ,not by me but many people. i have no reason to lie i love this patch but the wides are impossible

perhaps u are not using the test batting patch , there are 3 patches overall from eddie, tes batting, test and odi. when im playing as susex i use the odi for odi matches and i use the testbatting patch for the 4 day matches

i seem to have some problems with some addons and not others ,some kits work , some do not ,same with pitches etc.has anybody patched their pc .gob file with everything working fine on it....kits,grass,fields,field placements,stadia etc? if u have a perfect pc gob all patched and working would u please upload it here to the downloads section. this would save a lot of people a lot of time downloading each individual item ,then checking if it works etc.we have all bought the game and love it and want the best we can get out of it.imagine just downloading 1 perfect gob file , inserting it into your cricket 2005 file and ....hey presto !! we all have our game up to date , tested and no problems of any sort.surely someone can just upload it onto this sight and make 100's of people very very happy.what do u think? i think its a great idea.this is not laziness as i have individually downloaded all the seperate parts , but some of my kits clash etc and i dont know why. someone who has everything loaded onto their gob file PLEASE just upload it here for all of us to get it.i think this is fantastic idea and will not take long or be any problem,many thanks, bye
Ok guys, here's the latest version of the "Test Match Batting ONLY" patch.

The ONLY change is that i have tried to make the CPU bowlers bowl less wides (especially the part-timers)

Plz let me know if it is:

a. Better - less wides.
b. Worse - CPU bowls too much on stump.
c. Much better balance.



  • Eddie Test Patch_batting only(large bowling curso)_v2.0.zip
    100.4 KB · Views: 29
Ignore version 2.

just done an updated version


  • Eddie Test Patch_batting only(large bowling curso)_v3.0.zip
    100.4 KB · Views: 54
Last edited:
Yet another step in the right direction eddie. much better. weaker bowlers are still bowling wides, but with a little less frequency (approx. one per over, which is still too much, but still an improvement).

One thing that has certainly improved is that when the cpu DON'T bowl wides there deliveries are in a much more 'reachable' zone.

Well done eddie, keep it going

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