Story England's Journey to WorldCup-Ashes06-07 : 3rd Test (Perth)

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Well, Shantanu said he was going to be away for 2 weeks, and that was 2 months ago. How long do exams go for? :p

yeah thats wat he said....well he is busy with his projects and may return during vacations in may...hope he returns soon
Gamer's exam will be finished on this June 5th so expect him coming soon back to PC....cant wait....
Can't wait aswell! :D

saladguy added 0 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...

Just three days to go! :D
Yeah he sms me he will be coming to PC today his exams are over and he is renewing his internet package....
Finally i am back guys as exams are over and they were good thanks to your wishes. Missed you all tbh. Exams and study tension was so much that i had to leave PC all of a sudden but came online once in a while. Nice to be back and nice to see everything changed in PC. Now hoping that I can manage time to resume story writing again.
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