Story England's Journey to WorldCup-Ashes06-07 : 3rd Test (Perth)

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Great stats, rly amazing stuff there, best graphics in the forums this week goes to you man! KUTGW
What an update! The effort you put into this story is simply amazing. Keep up the great work Mali :p!
Very neatly presented. Good stuff. Not suprised to see Warne leading both bowling departments. Maybe a catches section would of been good but I can't complain.
Congrats Sarvesh on winning SOTM. I reguarly just flick through your story and go back to something like page 100 and just read it and marvel at how good this has been :)
I had a chat with Gamer today and came to know that he is very busy these days as his college workload has increased and his project submission date is also nearing. Also as this is his final sem he might be busy for couple of weeks more as a result of which he won't be able to update the story for 2 weeks. Sorry for the delay.
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Yeah studies do come first! But knowing he will come back with a bang!
Stories > Studies

I thought people would of realised this by now :p

I hope you realise I am joking :D
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