Expert Cop Mafia 1 - Endgame Town win

Haari is going to have produced an algorithm before too long...


My apologies to user2010. His method does take account of mendaciousness.
I can't get what Haari is doing. As, Colin said, one has made up his result. So, the way I am doing is, it is correct. See my above post. When we take all 5 players, select any one of them as scum and analyze, we get possibilities. But, only when we take Abhas, we are sure, that there are 3 people with only two roles. As this game cannot have that, we are sure Abhas is town. For Abhas to be mafia, the game rules would have to be changed.
Don't worry. It made for good reading :)

You read all that?! :eek:


Assuming User as scum -

Haari -> Paranoid/Insane (Adi as mafia)
Smurf -> Naive/Insane (Abhas as town)
Aditya -> Paranoid/Insane (Smurf as mafia)
Abhas -> Naive/Insane (User as Town)
Assumption: Haari, Abhas are town.

Haari -> Normal/Paranoid/Insane (Adi as mafia)
User -> Normal/Paranoid/Insane/Mafia (Smurf as mafia)
Smurf -> Normal/Naive/Insane/Mafia (Abhas as town)
Aditya -> Normal/Paranoid/Insane/Mafia (Smurf as mafia)
Abhas -> Normal/Naive/Insane (User as town)

Case 1: User's mafia

Haari -> Paranoid/Insane (Adi as mafia)
Smurf -> Normal/Naive (Abhas as town)
Aditya -> Insane/Paranoid (Smurf as mafia)
Abhas -> Naive/Insane (User as town)

Possible with Smurf being Normal and Abhas being Naive.

Case 2: Smurf's mafia

Haari -> Paranoid/Insane (Adi as mafia)
User -> Normal/Paranoid (Smurf as mafia)
Aditya -> Paranoid/Normal (Smurf as mafia)
Abhas -> Normal/Naive (User as town)

Possible with me being Insane and Abhas being Naive.

Case 3: Aditya's mafia

Haari -> Normal/Paranoid (Adi as mafia)
User -> Paranoid/Insane (Smurf as mafia)
Smurf -> Normal/Naive (Abhas as town)
Abhas -> Naive/Normal (User as town)

Possible with me being Paranoid and User being Insane.

So by the looks of it, we're gonna one more night atleast for further leads.
This's for the others. Explains why I'm not yet cleared while Abhas's cleared.

Case 4: Haari's mafia

User -> Paranoid/Insane (Smurf as mafia)
Smurf -> Naive/Normal (Abhas as town)
Aditya -> Insane/Paranoid (Smurf as mafia)
Abhas -> Normal/Naive (User as town)


Case 5: Abhas's mafia

Haari -> Paranoid/Insane (Adi as mafia)
User -> Paranoid/Insane (Smurf as mafia)
Smurf -> Naive/Insane (Abhas as town)
Aditya -> Paranoid/Insane (Smurf as mafia)

Not Possible.

With that, I'd like to no lynch.
If we can quickly complete the night and switch to day 2, I'm happy with a No Lynch now. I think we haave taken into account pretty much all the possibilities with User's analysis. Seriously.. couldn't have done without him!
Wait for everyone to come online.. Night won't finish before all roles are in.


Assuming User as scum -

Haari -> Paranoid/Insane (Adi as mafia)
Smurf -> Naive/Insane/Normal (Abhas as town)
Aditya -> Paranoid/Insane (Smurf as mafia)
Abhas -> Naive/Insane (User as Town)

Well I have a meeting now anyway.
It makes sense to move to night 1 at this point so send me your roles whenever you want. I won't be replying to them until I have all the roles in as one of you is going to wind up dead...

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