Group D - Ireland, Pakistan, West Indies, Zimbabwe

well lets not get into that discussion again...i would just like to say that they might have unknowingly taken it but after seeing Akhtars face and how he speaks, i doubt he didn't know what he took but Asif i think is new to international scene and might not have known about this...
Doesn't matter if they didn't know. That excuse didn't work for Warne so why should it work for these two?
Bilal91 said:
well lets not get into that discussion again...i would just like to say that they might have unknowingly taken it but after seeing Akhtars face and how he speaks, i doubt he didn't know what he took but Asif i think is new to international scene and might not have known about this...

Let's not get into it and you post what you think anyway? Whether they took it unknowingly or not, they still failed the test and should be banned. It is the players responsibility to find out what is going into their body. To say Asif didn't know about PED's is rubbish.

I'd rather not see players getting banned, especially two players with the talent that these two have, but they have broken the rules and shouldn't be allowed to get away with it!
well we dont actually know whether they are faking the injury or not. ICC let them off because they did another test and there was no trace of any drugs used so i mean atm as things stand, they havnt taken any drugs...
evertonfan said:
Doesn't matter if they didn't know. That excuse didn't work for Warne so why should it work for these two?
difference is warne knew what it was and he still took it,
asif had no idea what nandrolone was and i reserve my judgement on shoaib cos i have no idea how his mind works

evertonfan said:
Spot on Stevie. I'm still seething that they got let off the hook despite testing positive for a banned substance. Just really gets on my ticker that they got off scott-free.
and the whole world is meant to revolve around 1 persons feelings?

thats like saying you didnt like a mars bar so they should stop making a amrs bar
Bottom line is, they did drugs and weren't punished for it. What kind of example is that to set to youngsters?
I think players are innocent to some part that how come they know that the water they are drinking before a dope test might contain a banned substance in tracable quantity given by opposing teams
evertonfan said:
Bottom line is, they did drugs and weren't punished for it. What kind of example is that to set to youngsters?
Just reading through this thread and was about to post almost word to word as that, evo.
Millions of kids look up to Akthar and Asif, and strive to be just like them. If they do drugs and get away with it, won't they do the same?
Rules are Rules, especially ones of this magnitude. They should be banned for at least a year, just like Warney. I'm glad that they are not playing in the WC though, whether they're faking injury or not.
so your saying that if substance x was banned from cricket and someone poured it in the pipes and a player drank it cos he thought it was normal water he should be punished for it?
the water in pakistan can easily be messed up by humans you know
all it takes is a walk down the road and just do your stuff in the pipes

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